I'd like some help getting DirectPlay installed so I can play Mechwarriors 4. Mechwarriors installs correctly but on run pops up a system window indicating a requirement for DirectPlay. I've attempted installing it via the GUI-- it appears to complete successfully and requires a restart, but on restart, DirectPlay does not appear to be enabled. I've attempted the following steps based on searches:
1. disable AV and attempt via GUI-- same results as above (Skype is not installed on my system- I removed it awhile back via uninstall)
2. attempt via Programs and Features-- same results as above-- boxes check and it requests a restart but after restart not installed (tried both AV enabled and AV disabled)
3. reload into safe mode with networking, then attempt via Programs and Features-- same as above
4. Attempted via PowerShell and DISM using command line " dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /all"-- results below:
I've found a closed thread onsite where a user had the exact issue. His issue was resolved by resetting Windows. I'm not willing to do that as the effort of reinstalling my apps and so on is far too much to be worth the candle. I'm hoping someone will be willing to research this with me and help me find a solution that does not involve such a drastic step.
DISM log attached.View attachment dism.zip
I'd like some help getting DirectPlay installed so I can play Mechwarriors 4. Mechwarriors installs correctly but on run pops up a system window indicating a requirement for DirectPlay. I've attempted installing it via the GUI-- it appears to complete successfully and requires a restart, but on restart, DirectPlay does not appear to be enabled. I've attempted the following steps based on searches:
1. disable AV and attempt via GUI-- same results as above (Skype is not installed on my system- I removed it awhile back via uninstall)
2. attempt via Programs and Features-- same results as above-- boxes check and it requests a restart but after restart not installed (tried both AV enabled and AV disabled)
3. reload into safe mode with networking, then attempt via Programs and Features-- same as above
4. Attempted via PowerShell and DISM using command line " dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /all"-- results below:
S C:\WINDOWS\system32> dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /All
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.16299.15
Image Version: 10.0.16299.125
Enabling feature(s)
Error: 50
The operation is complete but DirectPlay feature was not enabled.
A required parent feature may not be enabled. You can use the /enable-feature /all option to automatically enable each parent feature from the following list. If the parent feature(s) are already enabled, refer to the log file for further diagnostics.
The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> dism /Online /enable-feature /FeatureName:"DirectPlay" /all
5. Based on the results attempted to install "Legacy Components" using DISM. Same result bar the feature name.
I've found a closed thread onsite where a user had the exact issue. His issue was resolved by resetting Windows. I'm not willing to do that as the effort of reinstalling my apps and so on is far too much to be worth the candle. I'm hoping someone will be willing to research this with me and help me find a solution that does not involve such a drastic step.
DISM log attached.View attachment dism.zip