I ran the SFCFix, but this hardly produced any output, which is most likely due to the above error:
Windows update reports this error indirectly as 0x80070246 illegal character too. It would be great to learn how I can recover from this error as I would really like to know what might have caused this.
Many thanks for looking into this.
Best regards,
View attachment 23315
I ran the SFCFix, but this hardly produced any output, which is most likely due to the above error:
>dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Tool zur Imageverwaltung für die Bereitstellung
Version: 10.0.10586.0
Abbildversion: 10.0.10586.0
Fehler: 582
Ein unzulässiges Zeichen wurde gefunden. Bei einem Mehrbyte-Zeichensatz schließt dies ein führendes Byte ohne nachfolgendes Byte ein. Beim Unicode-Zeichensatz sind dies die Zeichen 0xFFFF und 0xFFFE.
Die DISM-Protokolldatei befindet sich unter "C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log".
Windows update reports this error indirectly as 0x80070246 illegal character too. It would be great to learn how I can recover from this error as I would really like to know what might have caused this.
Many thanks for looking into this.
Best regards,
View attachment 23315