That's just more bull, if in fact Global Warming(Climate Change seems to be the new term) is caused by humans and not a natural process as has happened repeatedly in the past there is no amount of money that will correct it at this late stage..............................................
You misinterpreted what he is saying. He's not talking about whether or not humans caused it, but rather whether we take action vs. whether we take no action, based on whether or not Global warming is true or false...
That's a easy one, we keep throwing money at supposed fixes only to find out billions of dollars later the fix is more hazardous to the environment then the original problem.
Electric cars are one example, they're green except for the battery manufacturing process.......oops
Nuclear power is another, nice and clean no pollution burned into the atmosphere...............oh wait what are we going to do with the waste for 50,000 years..........
Wind turbines are the answer to that right?...........opps again they ruin the habitat and kill thousands of innocent birds.....................
Are there things we should and could do yes but generally not what gets passed by congress since the lobbing process is bought and paid for by someone looking to make a profit off any bill passed........................................
You're a 50% (column B) thinker I see... In the end, money isn't worth anything, compared to life on earth. That's something more people need to consider. Global warming is true, and unfortunately, usually the only way to get things done in today's world is to spend money. There's hardly enough time to complain or procrastinate about taking action the way I see it.
Electric cars are one example, they're green except for the battery manufacturing process.......oops
You need to make sacrifices for the long term benefit. I highly doubt that creating a single battery is as bad as half of the other things we do, along with running a vehicle and letting it pollute the atmosphere for an average of 3-5hours per day per person perhaps, where I live anyways. Considering the fact that gas vehicles also use a battery, I don't really see what your point would be here about electric vs. gas powered vehicles. :confused2: Electric is a step in the right direction, unfortunately GM took a bunch of them to the recycling depot many years ago because they would have lost money. Which only further supports my point that people who consider money over taking an appropriate action, need to re-think the scenario in my opinion.
Nothing is going to be perfect, you can't expect it to be. The whole video above was trying to choose maybe the most appropriate, or "best" solution, to a problem. This is why I posted the video, and why I agree and support
his way of thinking. Not taking action, and having global warming end life as we know it on this planet, is really not an option for me.
Are there things we should and could do yes but generally not what gets passed by congress since the lobbing process is bought and paid for by someone looking to make a profit off any bill passed........................................
Yes, absolutely. There has to be a better option than just accepting the power of lobbyists though.
And here would be my point as well. Power in numbers usually outweighs the power of any small political party. Hence, why the guy in the video in the first post even made his video and put it out there...