A Week in Security


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
In case you missed any or most of our blog posts from last week, below is a handy list of links you can check out and a brief overview of each:

  • Video Scam “girl KILLED herself after her DAD saw her doing THIS!” (Fraud/Scam Alert) An old Facebook scam resurrected and sported a new face, a slightly different modus operandi, but the objective remains the same: scam anyone who is willing to fill in surveys for profit.
  • Open Source Laptop (All Things Dev) A group of pretty smart people from the Chaos Computer Club decided to built a computer from scratch, a feat that, according to one of our security threat researchers, is virtually unheard of.
  • Windows XP, You Have Served Us Well (Security Threat) We bid Windows XP farewell in this post, and as we do so, we addressed the users who wish to keep their beloved OS and remain protected from threats at the same time.
  • Scam Virus Shield app top paid app in Play Store (Mobile Security) Virus Shield, an app that became very popular in Google Play, was found to be a scam. Thousands were duped by buying it.
  • Users affected the most as Heartbleed takes center stage (Security Threat) Heartbleed, that infamous bug that affects OpenSSL, definitely caught the world’s attention. It has been talked about online and in the media so much that it has become a household name. In its wake, we have put together a handy list of tools our blog readers and product users may find useful in the hopes of curbing any threat from the bug as early as possible.
A Week in Security (April 6 - 12) | Malwarebytes Unpacked

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