A hundred Win 7 PCs with issues


New member
Jun 22, 2018
Hi everyone, I'm Roberto from Italy and I work in an Help Desk of a very very big international IT company; we are experiencing some issues with around a hundred or more Windows 7 Professional x64 PCs.

We got a task to do: we must connect to this machines remotely and try to fix the issues they're having with Windows Updates (no more updates installed from WSUS server since 15 or more days).

I personally connected to 4 machines and all of these had the same issue: 3 updates available, one of which is IE11 for Windows 7 (but all the PCs already have IE11 installed because they're deployed using SCCM images); when I tried to install all the updates at once or one by one the result was always the same: error 9C48 or 80070490.

One of my colleagues also connected to two other PCs and same errors as above.

If we launch SFC /scannow it stops at about 27-31% everytime with an error.

The Readiness tool ran for about 1 and half hour but the issue was not solved.

I personally do not have more ideas or fix to try so I'm asking for help here because we need to fix these PCs without formatting them if possible (consider that this big company has over a 1000 PCs and only the 10% are having issues with updates from WSUS server).

Please tell me how can I proceed in fixing the issue, thanks.

Consider that, if you need some logs you'll have to wait till I connect to another PC maybe Tomorrow.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, thanks for your prompt support.
I'm sorry I won't be able to post any logs because the companies we work with handle a lot of confidential data so nothing must leave these systems, hope you'll understand.

I just wanted to know if you have some suggestions / guide lines I should follow to attempt to fix these issues we are having.

What I can tell you are the 2 errors we receive when trying to update the PCs: error 80070005 for 2 security updates (one of which is the cumulative of June 2018) and error 9C48 when trying to install Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 x64 (when is already present in all the computers).


Hello again,

we just tried to fix a PC that had a lot of issues with IE11 and the Windows Search service but without luck (you'll find out why in a second).

This PC is now on it's way to a reimage of Windows 7 but, just for reference, I'm posting the CheckSUR log that we launched.

Could you please tell me just for my personal information if this situation is, in any way, fixable without deploying a new image to the PC?

Thanks in advance,


View attachment CheckSUR.zip
This is a very serious and a rather extreme corruption (16.500 items) and reimaging is definitely the quickest way. Fixing this would likely take quite some time per PC.

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