Immense blunder or just a clever marketing campaign?[/h]
Sanmay Ved, a former Amazon and Google employee, was able to buy and own the google.com domain, for a full minute, thanks to a glitch in Google's Domains service, currently still in beta.
As Sanmay recounts in a
LinkedIn post, it all happened on Tuesday, September 29, when he was testing out his former's company Google Domains service, as a hobby, looking for cool new domains to buy.
Out of habit, after working for five years at Google, he typed google.com in the domain search field, and to his amazement, the google.com domain appeared to be free.
Thinking it was a bug, he went on through all the steps of registering the domain name, and was baffled even more to see that he was able to add the domain to his shopping cart, go through the checkout procedures, charge his credit card, get SMS notification of the credit card payment, and even receive domain details via email.