Emeritus, Contributor
- Apr 2, 2012
- 7,197
Apple's shiny new baby is about to slide out of the womb, and if you're a Mac user, it'll take over your computer soon. New features abound, but OS X Mountain Lion is missing some awesome stuff Microsoft has cooked up in Windows 8. Apple: copy this.
(Smart) Full Screen Apps
Mountain Lion is plenty proud of its ability to blow up windows to fill your display, a la Windows over a decade ago. It works, in that the apps do expand to the further possible edges of your screen. But it's goofily implemented, clumsy in appearance, and doesn't really help you do things any better. Full screened apps in Mountain Lion push everything else out of the way, forcing you to slide between multiple desktops if you want to look at more than one thing at a time. We're all about maximizing pixel real estate, but only in a way that makes sense. Filling a screen with a slim white word processor and fat black bars isn't maximizing much of anything.