Regarding the problem with scanner I would add some more info.
My wife's pc works with scanner on eth and with a usb canon scanner.
Funny is that I discovered that she had same problem, but a certain date the system began to work.
See wifeWia.txt. if you doubleclick with notepad+ "0x8021000A" you can see this behaviour,
that the problem appeared and later disappeared. I've not been able understand what happened
checking programs installed and windows updates looking at date.
On my PC, same problem, but it continue to exist, and I'm not able to use the scanner HP via eth and the canon via usb either.
Last checks in progress:
- I've set wia service to manual (no auto or delayed) because I noticed the service wia takes more than 30 seconds to start.
- I've run "HP Scan extended" (modern version than the one provided by default with driver complete pack)
- I see in services that wia "is starting" then finally running.
- No events in viewer but, after the error, in wiatrace.log:
**************** Started trace for Module: [wiaservc.dll] in Executable [svchost.exe] ProcessID: [5544] at 2021/06/06 11:06:51:635 ****************
WIA: 5544.6052 62391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.6052 62391 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a)
WIA: 5544.4472 125719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.4472 125719 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a) |
- Then I start NAPS, no events in viewer, but in wiatrace.log:
**************** Started trace for Module: [sti.dll] in Executable [NAPS2.exe] ProcessID: [6788] at 2021/06/06 11:10:34:042 ****************
WIA: 6788.3872 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: AsyncRPCEventTransport::OpenConnectionToServer, Error 0x00000534 trying to set RPC Authentication Info
WIA: 6788.3872 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: IWiaDevMgr2_RegisterEventCallbackInterface_Proxy, Could not successfully send runtime event information from client to WIA Service
WIA: 6788.4528 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: WiaEventReceiver::EventThreadProc, Failed to open the async notification channel: 0x800706EF
WIA: 6788.3872 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: CGenericWiaEventHandler::RegisterForWiaEvent, pWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface failed (0x800706EF)
WIA: 6788.3872 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: IWiaDevMgr2_RegisterEventCallbackInterface_Proxy, Could not successfully send runtime event information from client to WIA Service
WIA: 6788.3872 16 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: CGenericWiaEventHandler::RegisterForWiaEvent, pWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface failed (0x800706EF)
WIA: 5544.6136 287266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.6136 287266 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a)
and in popup of naps, error details:
NAPS2.Scan.Exceptions.ScanDriverUnknownException: Errore del driver di scansione. ---> NAPS2.Scan.Wia.Native.WiaException: WIA error code 80210005
in NAPS2.Scan.Wia.Native.WiaDeviceManager.PromptForDevice(IntPtr parentWindowHandle)
in NAPS2.Scan.Wia.WiaScanDriver.PromptForDeviceInternal()
in NAPS2.Scan.ScanDriverBase.PromptForDevice()
--- Fine della traccia dello stack dell'eccezione interna ---
in NAPS2.Scan.ScanDriverBase.PromptForDevice()
in NAPS2.WinForms.FEditProfile.ChooseDevice(String driverName) |
If I run Doctor HP print and scan, print is ok,
scan repair returns
No events, but in wiatrace:
**************** Started trace for Module: [sti.dll] in Executable [HPDiagnosticCoreUI.exe] ProcessID: [7744] at 2021/06/06 11:28:15:603 ****************
WIA: 7744.4656 190172 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: IWiaDevMgr_SelectDeviceDlg_Proxy, IWiaWow64::InvokeGetImageDlg failed, hr = 0x80210005
WIA: 5544.5324 1584438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.5324 1584438 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a)
When I've opened paint to edit screenshots, in wiatrace found this:
**************** Started trace for Module: [sti.dll] in Executable [mspaint.exe] ProcessID: [5776] at 2021/06/06 11:27:23:648 ****************
WIA: 5776.6444 0 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: AsyncRPCEventTransport::OpenConnectionToServer, Error 0x00000534 trying to set RPC Authentication Info
WIA: 5776.6444 0 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: IWiaDevMgr_RegisterEventCallbackInterface_Proxy, Could not successfully send runtime event information from client to WIA Service
WIA: 5776.8112 0 0 0 [sti.dll] ERROR: WiaEventReceiver::EventThreadProc, Failed to open the async notification channel: 0x800706EF
WIA: 5544.5324 1346328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.5324 1346328 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a)
WIA: 5544.5324 1409688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.5324 1409688 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a)
WIA: 5544.5324 1473141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, Error loading driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv): IStiUSD::Initialize failed with hr = 0x8021000A
WIA: 5544.5324 1473141 0 0 [wiaservc.dll] ERROR: USDWrapper::LoadDriver, We encountered an error attempting to load driver for (HP LJ M25-M27 Scan Drv), error (0x8021000a) |
I have no more info to provide except for a partial recent view of issues that the system suffer, found in fulleventviewer, as attachment.