Hi Everyone, after running Windows 7 Ultimate 32 Bit and Office 2007 Ultimate on my Samsung SSD Notebook for a number of years I have finally relented and used the free upgrade to Windows 10 Pro, although why this is called Pro is beyond me it doesn't appear to be anything other than a glorified Smartphone app bloated with an unimaginable number of Apps whether you want them or not, free for so long and never ending pop ups.
The Microsoft Edge browser isn't a patch on Firefox and Bing seems to install all manner of junk and pop up's whether you want them or not, news popping out on the screen, massages to sign into Microsoft etc and internet explorer which doesn't seem to have a sign out option now and keeps running in the background, I don't play games, so I uninstalled all the X Box junk but I am still left with a Games Bar, which although switched off cant be uninstalled,what complete mess!
Microsoft support even when you sign in never replies, certainly never sorts anything out and just tries to offload everything to some Microsoft community, unlike Apple there is no free telephone support, in fact I think if truth be know Windows 10 is such an appalling unfit for purpose creation that it it is incapable of ever running properly, so what now Windows 11, well no thank you 10 is quite appalling enough!
As I have no confidence in Microsoft Windows 10 I certainly won't be entrusting any information to the installed app 365 or Office 2016 pro in the cloud!
So I have purchased and installed a DVD official version of Office 2016 pro which I thought should serve my needs rather like the Office 2007 ultimate, unfortunately not though, it seems that Microsoft are aware of certain things not.never working as they should in Office 2016 due to conflicts with the other in cloud apps installed on Windows 10 , Office 2016 in the cloud, office 365, etc,etc but have they sorted the conflicts out, no certainly not and their online helps is a much us as a chocolate teapot , I keep running trouble shooting which produces a Zipped file which I then send off to Microsoft support and yes you guessed it nothing!
So with this in mind I wonder if any of the members on her could help me sort out the following issues with Office 2016 Pro
1. The default font in Outlook keeps reverting to Calibri 11 point, despite me changing it to 12 point , although the Apply box when changing stationery fonts is greyed out, as a are many other apply boxes as though someone else has decided my fonts and settings on my behalf?
2, The search never works in Outlook despite it showing as index complete and fault fixed on trouble shooting?
3.Archiving has never worked in Outlook 2016 pro despite it working perfectly in my previous Outlook 2007!
What is Power Shell , should this be used in preference to command prompt to sort problems , no none seems really sure?
Thank you for your time .
Kind Regards
The Microsoft Edge browser isn't a patch on Firefox and Bing seems to install all manner of junk and pop up's whether you want them or not, news popping out on the screen, massages to sign into Microsoft etc and internet explorer which doesn't seem to have a sign out option now and keeps running in the background, I don't play games, so I uninstalled all the X Box junk but I am still left with a Games Bar, which although switched off cant be uninstalled,what complete mess!
Microsoft support even when you sign in never replies, certainly never sorts anything out and just tries to offload everything to some Microsoft community, unlike Apple there is no free telephone support, in fact I think if truth be know Windows 10 is such an appalling unfit for purpose creation that it it is incapable of ever running properly, so what now Windows 11, well no thank you 10 is quite appalling enough!
As I have no confidence in Microsoft Windows 10 I certainly won't be entrusting any information to the installed app 365 or Office 2016 pro in the cloud!
So I have purchased and installed a DVD official version of Office 2016 pro which I thought should serve my needs rather like the Office 2007 ultimate, unfortunately not though, it seems that Microsoft are aware of certain things not.never working as they should in Office 2016 due to conflicts with the other in cloud apps installed on Windows 10 , Office 2016 in the cloud, office 365, etc,etc but have they sorted the conflicts out, no certainly not and their online helps is a much us as a chocolate teapot , I keep running trouble shooting which produces a Zipped file which I then send off to Microsoft support and yes you guessed it nothing!
So with this in mind I wonder if any of the members on her could help me sort out the following issues with Office 2016 Pro
1. The default font in Outlook keeps reverting to Calibri 11 point, despite me changing it to 12 point , although the Apply box when changing stationery fonts is greyed out, as a are many other apply boxes as though someone else has decided my fonts and settings on my behalf?
2, The search never works in Outlook despite it showing as index complete and fault fixed on trouble shooting?
3.Archiving has never worked in Outlook 2016 pro despite it working perfectly in my previous Outlook 2007!
What is Power Shell , should this be used in preference to command prompt to sort problems , no none seems really sure?
Thank you for your time .
Kind Regards