Good day.
1.Yes did use instructions gave to sign in, did not use safe mode. Meant to say- signed in as built in System "Administrator" per instructions
2. see attachment- This is how User Marty - Administrator is when sign log in to windows to User Marty from Settings .
When Sign log into Windows for Control Panel (not from Settings), using Administrator- looking at Settings, User Accounts, for ther Users, it showed the User , Marty- 'Dell
Administrator, However not doing that now??
3. When using built in System "Administrator to sign in to Windows, then switched over to log-sign into the User called "Other" (not user called 'Marty').
Was able to enter the password like when logged into . Then enter the Password, after some time it opened up the User 'Other'.
Could see all the folders and files for the User 'Other' and the Browsers displayed the "History" for each Browser.
However. When log into system, using User; 'Marty and then attempting to also log switch User to "Other' will not open up that User "other' once enter Password, just has circle dots that go around like it is trying to load.
Also when log into system using User "Marty' not switching From user "Administrator' to user 'Marty' still unable to view previous History in the Browsers for websites visited.
4. See Attachment for Automatic installs during time frame these things were beginning to occur
Thank you