Website Maintenance - 1st Oct 2017

Tekno Venus

Senior Administrator, Developer
Staff member
Jul 21, 2012
As you have all probably noticed, we have been experiencing some performance and stability issues over the last few months. We have taken the decision to migrate the site to a new server platform with more resources and room to grow.

The forum will be offline for the migration from approximately 11:00 UTC Sunday 1st October.

Whilst I cannot say exactly how long the site will be offline, I am expecting the migration to take around 6-10 hours to complete. You may experience issues for up to 24 hours whilst DNS changes propagate.

There may be a few issues for a while after the move. Whilst we have been testing the site on the new platform as much as possible, we are unable to test absolutely everything, and a migration of this scale could cause some unexpected bugs. Please reply here if you experience any issues. If you have a major issue and cannot post for some reason, please try the contact form here:

Thank you all for your patience and co-operation whilst we have been experiencing these issues.

Sysnative Admin Team
We have completed the main part of the site migration and the forums are now back online.

We are aware of an issue with HTTPS resulting in a certificate warning when browsing the site. We aim to get this resolved by tomorrow.

There is still work to be completed, but please report any major issues with the site here.

Thank you.

We have made some changes and the issue with HTTPS and certificates should now be resolved. However, you may experience occasional issues whilst we investigate the root cause of the issue and continue to work on optimising the server.


Anyone notice problems with e-mail notifications?

I didn't received an e-mail alerting for a new post on my topic in the Practice Logs section!

Well, from my side I can see 100% of emails to @gmail addresses have been sent successfully and were not rejected by Google anti-spam. Can you check your junk mail folders?

@SleepyDude - I can see some emails failing to send to your address, so I will see what I can do with that.

Nothing should have changed with regards to emails, since they're still sending through our 3rd party provider.....
Very strange. Junk is clear, I checked that already. I'll monitor and contact you if the issue persists.
Regarding Sleepy's case, I have a friend in Germany who uses gmx address, and he has had the same issues. It went as far as not receiving e-mails from his Gmail contacts.
Added two subscriptions after the migration and have not received any notifications. Definitely not in junk mail.
Very odd. Works fine for me :lol:

Don't have time to investigate this issue at the moment, sorry. Will look at it when I get time.
Very strange. Junk is clear, I checked that already. I'll monitor and contact you if the issue persists.
Regarding Sleepy's case, I have a friend in Germany who uses gmx address, and he has had the same issues. It went as far as not receiving e-mails from his Gmail contacts.

Before the move I didn't notice this problem also I receive several notifications on the same e-mail from BleepingComputer and so far didn't notice any e-mail missing.

I also checked the SPAM folder and its clean.

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