Watch out trolls: Microsoft begins sending Xbox One reputation warnings


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Microsoft has been talking up its new troll-segregating reputation system for the Xbox One since last July. Now, the company is finally ready to roll the system out and issue warnings to players who are the subject of frequent complaints by other players.

As Microsoft announced this morning on Xbox Wire, this month will see players "start receiving reputation warnings as their reputations drop due to feedback from the community." While this kind of feedback has been collected from players since the Xbox One launched, the company is apparently just now turning those reports into tangible alerts for problem players.
Watch out trolls: Microsoft begins sending Xbox One reputation warnings | Ars Technica
huh. as your article says, they're just now doing that.
i thought that when they announced it some months back that they were enforcing it... guess not... :)

seems like a good thing - some forums, for example, instead of posts, lists "likes" so that when a good guy provides useful or amusing posts, others can "like" him or her.

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