Up at 2AM again!

Anthony N

Well-known member
Jun 13, 2012
Michigan, USA
Ok... here we go again... getting up so early I'm twiddling my thumbs at my desk.

Kinda funny tho. No music, no noise... well except the hum of my hard drives and fans.

I started to da... morning dream... and while I was thinking about my love life with my guy, (yes shock shock I like men).

I was also thinking, how much I don't notice. I mean all this hardware just runs without a peep, it runs without glory. It runs without criticism or praise.

Even moreover, how I managed to keep white noise to a minimum.

For those who knew me, (no one here) I had 3 and at one time for a very short while I had 4 desktop computers. Yet, you never even knew they were there because of how quiet they were.

But anyways, while I'm at my desk dreaming away in thought about my future and can think without distraction or noise. What do you all do when you can't fall asleep or you wake up at odd hours?

P.S. - Saying you go back to bed is not a valid answer... if it were, there would be no time to think.
I guess I don't have a valid answer, Anthony. With my children adults and long having their own homes, I no longer have problems falling asleep.
I am a night owl too as is John(jc)... He advised if it starts causing a problem I go get a sleep study done...

I know you have had one, did they not give you any meds to help you sleep at times?
They did not. There is a fear of causing a night seizure from another existing condition.

This 2am - 3am thing is normally stirred up by stress. So I go out on my snowmobile to blow steam off in the afternoon after work.

And just because I brought it up, I'd thought I'd share.

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