For many years traditional network and endpoint security tools have been the go-to defenses that organizations have relied upon. Companies have always invested heavily in Firewalls and Anti-virus to create a perimeter-focused security infrastructure that has, until more recently, been effective enough to protect data to a reasonable degree.
However, things change, and so has the threat landscape. Most businesses are now not adequately equipped to handle today’s increasingly complex cyber threats and lack the higher-end tools required to quickly spot and recover from them, instead opting to rely on the traditional methods that functioned well enough in the past.
“The problem is, business has invested a lot into the protection they have and its served them okay thus far, but now the bad guys have evolved to get around it and business is struggling to see why the tens of thousands of pounds worth of Firewalls that it bought last year are now ‘pointless’ according to the experts,” said Jay Abbott, MD, Falanx Cyber Defence.
“Thinking you can ‘keep the bad guys out’ by building a wall and then letting all the users inside the wall request data through it from the outside world, is near lunacy,” he argued.