Three Blue screens in one day (New laptop)


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Hello, I got three blue screens to my brand new laptop in the first two days and I'm really concerned! should I get it replaced or is it really not a hardware issue? I attached the minidump files and here's what I got when i used "whocrashed"

Hello, I got 3 blue screens occurring in first two days for my "brand new" laptop (Intel I5, 4 GBs DDR3)and I'm starting to get really confused about the reason behind it so I used whocrashed software and that's what I got:

Crash Dump Analysis

Crash dump directory: C:\Windows\Minidump

Crash dumps are enabled on your computer.

On Sun 7/15/2012 1:25:06 AM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\071412-73024-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x7F1C0)
Bugcheck code: 0xC2 (0x7, 0x109B, 0x0, 0xFFFFFA800B938EB2)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that the current thread is making a bad pool request.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time.

On Sun 7/15/2012 1:25:06 AM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\memory.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlmp.exe (nt!KeBugCheckEx+0x0)
Bugcheck code: 0xC2 (0x7, 0x109B, 0x0, 0xFFFFFA800B938EB2)
Bug check description: This indicates that the current thread is making a bad pool request.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time.

On Sat 7/14/2012 10:06:07 PM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\071412-46160-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x7F1C0)
Bugcheck code: 0x3B (0xC0000005, 0xFFFFF80003169165, 0xFFFFF8800BB85FA0, 0x0)
file path: C:\Windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
company: Microsoft Corporation
description: NT Kernel & System
Bug check description: This indicates that an exception happened while executing a routine that transitions from non-privileged code to privileged code.
This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem.
The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver which cannot be identified at this time.

Thanks in Advance!


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Hi -

The dumps were VERIFIER_ENABLED, yet no 3rd party driver named. This indicates unknown hardware failure.

The system is just 3 months old - have you contacted the system manufacturer? I suggest that you demand a replacement.

Regards. . .




[font=lucida console]
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\071412-46160-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
Debug session time: Sat Jul 14 18:06:07.248 2012 (GMT-4)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:21:57.059
BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff80003169165, fffff8800bb85fa0, 0}
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory+1d3 )
PROCESS_NAME:  coreServiceShe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0x3B_nt!NtQueryVirtualMemory+1d3
Bugcheck code 0000003B
Arguments 00000000`c0000005 fffff800`03169165 fffff880`0bb85fa0 00000000`00000000
BiosVersion = R0260V4
BiosReleaseDate = 03/05/2012
SystemManufacturer = Sony Corporation
SystemProductName = SVE14A15FAW
MaxSpeed:     2500
CurrentSpeed: 2494
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\PalmDesert\_jcgriff2_\dbug\__Kernel__\071412-73024-01.dmp]
Built by: 7601.17835.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030
Debug session time: Sat Jul 14 21:25:06.562 2012 (GMT-4)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:01:44.013
BugCheck C2, {7, 109b, 0, fffffa800b938eb2}
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!CcDeleteSharedCacheMap+2d9 )
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  X64_0xc2_7_VRF_nt!CcDeleteSharedCacheMap+2d9
Bugcheck code 000000C2
Arguments 00000000`00000007 00000000`0000109b 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0b938eb2
BiosVersion = R0260V4
BiosReleaseDate = 03/05/2012
SystemManufacturer = Sony Corporation
SystemProductName = SVE14A15FAW
MaxSpeed:     2500
CurrentSpeed: 2494

That is the best option; otherwise you very likely will have nothing but problems with the system in the future.

Regards. . .


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