[SOLVED] SSD not recognized


Apr 23, 2014
Georgetown, Tx
I have a DiskGo 240 GB external SSD with a mSata to USB 3 cable.

Until 2 days ago it showed up in device manager, disk management and windows explorer as an ATA drive and was fully functional.

Now it shows as a Removable drive with "no media" present. Device manager and Disk Management still sees it but it's not accessible in explorer, hence the contents are not available. Where do I start to return it to it's useable ATA status? Thanks
It sounds like the drive itself is corrupt. I would first try it on another computer and see what happens. If you can read the files there - I would quickly back them up on this second system.
Thanks, but I tried that on 2 other computers. Same result about seeing no media in the removable drive. I researched some programs dealing with "flipping the removable bit", but of course they don't see the drive as being available either.
Then if this were me, I would remove the drive from the enclosure and connect it directly to a disk controller (instead of through the USB interface) as a secondary drive (NOT boot drive) in a computer and see if I can access it that way. This may require the use of a cable adapter - depending on the drive inside. That will eliminate the enclosure as the problem.
Following your suggestion, I would get a msata to sata adapter?
Probably - but you need to check your motherboard to see what it supports, and check the drive to see what it needs.
Thanks for your time. The company replaced it today and the new one works fine. I am assuming they did not think it worth pursuing why it did not work. This thread can be closed.
Great! That sounds like good company support to me. While I expect any hardware I buy to run perfectly forever, I realize until Man can create perfection 100% of the time there will be premature failures - even from the best manufacturers. So how a company handles those failures weighs a great deal in my decision process the next time I am considering a new purchase. For example, the way Gigabyte handled some motherboard failures for me several years ago convinced me to keep buying Gigabyte - with no regrets since.

I am assuming they did not think it worth pursuing why it did not work.
Why do you say that? Did they not want the bad one back?

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