New member
- Oct 17, 2023
- 3
Hi all. Joined up because some googling led me here and I was honestly amazed at the knowledgeable and professional impression the members here give. So first off, thank you for your work.
Now then. I was tasked with upgrading a W10 pc to W11. Seemed simple enough. I work in IT and have done this countless times before. This one machine, though, seems to have its entire servicing stack wrecked - likely by, I suspect, one of those more intrusive antimalware suites. Beyond some permission conflicts, WU is failing completely, DISM is unable to finish successfully and SFC can't even start. I've tried a load of native autofixes, chkdsk, manual install of updates, dism'ing with a source and even directly running w10 and w11 ISOs which fail before completing. Also tried SFCFix to no effect. I haven't gotten around to deploying from boot yet, but that's the only option I have left and I'd like some opinions. It appears this pc is either missing a whole series of manifests or they became corrupt due to external causes. Of course, all such software were removed before I got access to the machine.
Attaching all relevant logs. Many thanks to whomever is able to shed some light on the matter.
Now then. I was tasked with upgrading a W10 pc to W11. Seemed simple enough. I work in IT and have done this countless times before. This one machine, though, seems to have its entire servicing stack wrecked - likely by, I suspect, one of those more intrusive antimalware suites. Beyond some permission conflicts, WU is failing completely, DISM is unable to finish successfully and SFC can't even start. I've tried a load of native autofixes, chkdsk, manual install of updates, dism'ing with a source and even directly running w10 and w11 ISOs which fail before completing. Also tried SFCFix to no effect. I haven't gotten around to deploying from boot yet, but that's the only option I have left and I'd like some opinions. It appears this pc is either missing a whole series of manifests or they became corrupt due to external causes. Of course, all such software were removed before I got access to the machine.
Attaching all relevant logs. Many thanks to whomever is able to shed some light on the matter.