[SBS 2011, Windows 2008 R2] BSOD page_fault_in_nonpaged_area at login


New member
Dec 12, 2015
Bremen, Germany

I have a severe problem at my SmallBusinessServer 2011 Premium (Windows 2008 R2).

The server is working normaly after boot. Exchange works, SQL works, Networking, Folder Redirections, Active Directory ect. works normaly. Nothing to complain.

BUT: when I try to login - remote (Remote Desktop) or in front of the server - after typing the password and hitting enter I get a BSOD. So I cannot log in to the server anymore. A log in is only possible in Safe mode.
Sometimes, when I am fast enough after boot, I can see the desktop and SBS Server manager starting - but then the BSOD comes again - always the same one - always same numbers ect. I attached a picture.

I have a memory.dmp - file = 800 MB

I loaded the Collection App and run it in safe mode - there were some error massages and an infinit loop waiting for system info. I canceled batch processing and zipped the folder myself.
perfmon doesn't work

I tried some things myself:

Because I have avast endpoint protection suite plus on the server, I contacted avast support. I found some error reports on web complaining autosandboxing of avast causing BSODs with pagefault... So I got a remove program from avast and uninstalled in safe mode - but problem still exists.

The first time this problem occured was maybe one month ago but only 1 time. This was after installing updates from windows update. After restart I went home and recognized the next morning, that the normal status mails at 0am were missing. I tried to log in and got a reboot. But then it worked. The server ran for some more weeks without problems - login in was ok. After installing more windows updates yesterday, I wasn't able to log in again.

So I removed all the updates from the 2 update processes in safe mode. 2 updates failed to remove: KB3042058 and KB3081320. I wasn't abel to remove them. I downloaded these updates again, but couldn't install them in safe mode.

I hope anyone can help me. Your help is really appreciated.
Greetings from Germany, Bremen


  • IMG_4161.jpg
    177.6 KB · Views: 3
I forgot:
CPU: Xenon E3-1240 V2 @ 3,4 Ghz
16GB Ram
Windows 2008 R2 x64
board: intel server Board S1200BTS
installation of Windows runs since 2012
hardware age: 2012
videocard: on board

Please say if you need additional informations
Hi Kai,

# Child-SP RetAddr Call Site
00 fffff880`06c042b8 fffff800`0240565a nt!KeBugCheckEx
01 fffff880`06c042c0 fffff800`02367115 nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0x9d6a
02 fffff880`06c04320 fffff800`02366f10 nt!HvMarkDirty+0x176
03 fffff880`06c04380 fffff800`02408e1c nt!HvMarkCellDirty+0x150
04 fffff880`06c043d0 fffff800`0232d0a2 nt! ?? ::NNGAKEGL::`string'+0xf6c4
05 fffff880`06c04410 fffff800`0232ce44 nt!CmpMarkKeyValuesDirty+0x182
06 fffff880`06c044b0 fffff800`0232c54a nt!CmpFreeKeyValues+0x24
07 fffff880`06c044e0 fffff800`0232c278 nt!CmpSyncKeyValues+0x7a
08 fffff880`06c045c0 fffff800`0232ddae nt!CmpCopySyncTree2+0x2a8
09 fffff880`06c04670 fffff800`0232dcc7 nt!CmpCopySyncTree+0x6e
0a fffff880`06c046c0 fffff800`0232d896 nt!CmpSaveBootControlSet+0x307
0b fffff880`06c048a0 fffff800`020ceed3 nt!NtInitializeRegistry+0xc6
0c fffff880`06c048f0 fffff800`020cb490 nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
0d fffff880`06c04a88 fffff800`0232d83f nt!KiServiceLinkage
0e fffff880`06c04a90 fffff800`020ceed3 nt!NtInitializeRegistry+0x6f
0f fffff880`06c04ae0 00000000`76dae75a nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd+0x13
10 00000000`020aebc8 00000000`00000000 0x76dae75a

du hast hoffentlich eine Sicherung, einer der Registry-Hives ist defekt
Hallo Michael,

vielen Dank für Deine Antwort.

Ich hatte schon befürchtet, dass ein ernsthafter bzw. größerer Schaden vorliegt und ein Backup eingespielt. Bin recht begeistert, dass die Windows Server Sicherung so gut geklappt hat.

Viele Grüße

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