I was on my computer Saturday night; no problems, everything normal, shut down like usual. Turn it on Sunday morning and it's attempting to do a check disk which it estimates will take 30+ hours to complete. I skip the checkup, do some Google research and run the recommended CMD commands. The results say that my component store is repairable, but sfc finishes by saying it cannot repair. After a couple rounds of CMD attempts, I start getting SNES error messages every startup. I then did a Windows 10 reset, cause I read it should take care of all the issues, but it's all still waiting for me when I'm done. It now take over 3 minutes after the welcome screen to get to my desktop, and I still have no answers to fixing my problems or what caused them in the first place. I've attached the most recent logs I have. Please, if anyone can help me figure this out and get me on the right path to fixing it, I'd appreciate it.