Hi, I just registered and this is my first time posting here, I hope I'm doing this in the right place.
Yesterday I was trying to install a program and when I opened the supposed installer, it didn't open a setup wizard, but just tried to open a webpage opening the little windows window that appears, not directing me to the browser. It tried to open it but said it wasn't able to show it. Afterwards I started getting some weird behaviors from my computer because it asked me for admin permissions which I wasn't able to grant and that's weird since my account is the admin account. Suddenly a window appeared telling me that I needed to restart my computer to get my admin rights back, and so I did, and I got a window telling me that an aplication had locked my computer and asking me for a password which I didn't know, and when clicking "Get Password", it redirected me to this site:
Home I didn't think that that survey thing was going to work, so I was there without being able to use my computer until I restarted it like for the third time and my antivirus said it had found a virus and disinfected it and then my computer was magically usable and unlocked again! So, I thought everything was fine but I started seeing some weird things. For instance, when I try to get the power options by clicking on the power icon on the right side charms bar under settings, I get "There are currently no power options available". I've also noticed that I'm unable to launch chrome in windows 8 mode, I've always used it like that, and when my computer unlocked itself, it automatically opened itself in desktop mode. When I try to change it, chrome is relaunched but stays always in desktop mode. I don't know if there are other issues since I haven't used my computer that much.
So I searched the internet and did a scan using this:
sfc /scannow.
It told me that there were corruptions that couldn't be fixed. Then I followed the instructions on this post:
https://www.sysnative.com/forums/wi...prncacla-inf-corruptions-windows-8-8-1-a.html and used your tool.
I attach my CBS file and my SFCFix.txt file. The same issues as mentioned before (no power options, no windows 8 mode) persist. I'm also noticing that I have no longer any dropbox options showing when right clicking on an item in the dropbox window in my computer, that wasn't happening before, I only see the normal windows options. Maybe it's related. I really hope you can help me, thanks a lot! And I'm sorry if this was too long but I thought it was important to explain everything.
I tried to upload the CBS file but it never shows up listed, have no idea why, I tried several times, so I created a Dropbox link and pasted it on a .txt file. Thank you!