Pacote Redistribuível do Microsoft Visual C++


New member
Dec 20, 2022
Ola boa tarde

estou tendo problemas ao tentar baixar o pacote de redistribuivel ,aparece o erro 0x80240017 erro nao especifico,ja tentei varias formas,entrei no regedit nao achei pasta Componentes,ja tentei reinstalar,reparar porem nada resolve,na pasta de drivers no regedit aparece a mensagem que e impossivel localizar os dados pq o sistema nao consegue achar,ja tentei pelo prompt de comando ,fiz todos os procedimentos de ativaçao e desativaçao,so queria pra poder jogar mesmo kkk pois na steam todos os jogos tentam baixar porem fica em uma tela de carregamento e nao passa disso.Alguma ajuda ou dica ?? Windows 8.1 pro estou usando

Obgd Bazinga
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Bazinga97 said:
Hey good afternoon

I'm having problems when trying to download the redistributable package, the error 0x80240017 non-specific error appears, I've tried several ways, I entered regedit I didn't find the Components folder, I've tried to reinstall, repair but nothing solves, in the drivers folder in regedit the message appears that it's impossible to locate the data because the system can't find it, I've tried using the command prompt, I've done all the activation and deactivation procedures, I just wanted to be able to play lol because on steam all the games try to download but it stays on a screen of loading and nothing more than that. Any help or tips ?? Windows 8.1 pro I'm using

Thanks Bazinga

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