2.6.4 Added on Jan. 18, 2013 at 12:38 AM EST
- FIXED Problem loading forum settings from the Change Settings window when Change Settings is initially opened with Originating Post blank
- FIXED Problem with update window showing up even with the latest version of the apps
- ADDED Ability to save forumSettings.zdn files within the .zdn file created from the Save As dialog. Added on Jan. 06, 2013 at 08:35 PM EST
- FIXED Setup.exe C:\Users (Vista/7/8) and C:\Documents and Settings (XP) to not include Default, Default User, or All Users directories since they are junctions to directories the apps will not work from
- ADDED kd.exe dropdown list to provide and select from multiple kd.exe paths
- ADDED Quick Save option now saves to a Blank.zdn file
- ADDED Revert to Quick Save now loads the Quick Save Blank.zdn file
- ADDED Save and Run button now saves to blankSaveAndRun.zdn file if Originating Post is empty
- ADDED blankSaveAndRun.zdn file now loads if Originating Post is empty and Change Settings is selected Added on Jan. 03, 2013 at 11:35 PM EST
- FIXED Opening Sysnative from the update available window no longer keeps the window on top of the browser window
- FIXED Setup.exe user profile list no longer shows files and only shows directories within the C:\Users folder (Vista, 7, 8) or C:\Documents and Settings folder (XP)
- ADDED Error message during Setup.exe run to let user know if Setup.exe is moved to a location where it can no longer install the apps.
- ADDED Support for www.bleepingcomputer.com forums Added on Jan. 02, 2013 at 11:00 AM EST
- FIXED Installer to prevent message that "This program might not have installed correctly"
- FIXED Problem when running the apps from the %userprofile%\SysnativeBSODApps directory
- ADDED Option to install apps to all users or choose the user profile to install the apps to. Added on Jan. 01, 2013 at 09:45 AM EST
- FIXED Copyright year. Added on Jan. 01, 2013 at 01:35 AM EST
- FIXED HTML Viewer window now behaves the same as the Change Settings window.
- FIXED DmpsList window now opens on top of other windows.
- FIXED rename.txt is now deleted after being used
- FIXED outputOptions.txt no longer is overwritten when run for the first time, so it no longer results in no output files being created for new users.
- ADDED Setup.exe for installing apps.
- ADDED Better behavior for bringing apps windows to the front of other windows.
- ADDED License agreement check
- ADDED Update check so users will know if an important update may have been released Added on Dec. 26, 2012 at 02:10 AM EST
- FIXED Error output for progress bar is now cleared at the beginning of the apps running
- FIXED Bug that prevented highlighting of some drivers in driver description lists
- FIXED null.txt is now deleted after .txt files are opened with HTML Viewer windows
- FIXED Yet another bug that prevented highlighting of some drivers in driver description lists
- FIXED Probably Caused By line no longer appears after BugCheck codes, it is toward the top as in the WinDbg and kernel debugging analyses
- FIXED All BugCheck based information is output in a group instead of interrupted by other output such as Probably Caused By or DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID
- FIXED First instance of BugCheck Info name is now given in the link.
- FIXED Better matching of BugCheck Info string
- FIXED When no .dmps exist and New .dmps only is checked, the apps no longer erroneously give the message that no new .dmps were found
- FIXED Old .dmps moved to %TEMP%\SysnativeBSODApps\oldDmps if they are not going to be run by apps
- FIXED runDmps() output for timeBetweenRuns.txt is now output again
- FIXED Apps no longer continue the 30 second countdown if the .dmps list window is closed.
- FIXED .dmps list cleanup of .dmps now works properly so .dmps are moved to either the output directory or the %TEMP%\SysnativeBSODApps\oldDmps directory
- FIXED .dmps list only populated by .dmp file names that are not blank
- FIXED .dmps list going out of bounds
- FIXED console window now hides if user changes option for full GUI after running with full GUI disabled initially
- FIXED Sysnative title no longer appears multiple times when the apps are run multiple times within the same initial run
- FIXED making the directory oldDmps in the %TEMP%\SysnativeBSODApps\ directory
- FIXED .dmp file names are now only added to the oldDmp list if the .dmps are selected through the DmpList window
- FIXED timeout for dmps list option is now hidden in the Change Settings area
- FIXED timeout for dmps list option is now saved to %TEMP%\SysnativeBSODApps instead of the user profile
- FIXED oldDmpsList no longer saves within the .zdn file
- FIXED Users who had originally not opened HTML on exit were not getting the option to open .txts, so the apps did not open .txts before exiting
- FIXED timeBetweenRuns no longer grows each time the apps run when Process BSODs is selected instead of Change Settings
- FIXED CPU usage during runtime is now lower
- FIXED More reduction to CPU usage during runtime
- FIXED Better forum support for Process BSODs button
- FIXED Problem with console apps if GUI apps were canceled
- FIXED Debugging output in console apps has been removed
- FIXED Error text is cleared prior to Change Settings loading settings
- FIXED Progress bar updates after getting to 100%
- FIXED Progress bar shows when settings are saving after Save and Run is clicked
- FIXED Messsage for setting up directory structure
- FIXED "%userprofile%\SysnativeBSODApps" junction point so it now works well in XP
- FIXED Forum settings are not loaded during Revert to Last Save
- FIXED Progress bar updates now show during save, save as, and open
- FIXED Progress bar is no longer always on top but brought to the top window after re-appearing
- FIXED Progress bar now hides during DmpList window
- FIXED Multiple progress bars no longer show up during loading of Change Settings window
- CHANGED order of BugCheckInfo, probably caused by lines
- CHANGED order of BugCheckInfo, Bugcheck code lines
- CHANGED order of BugCheckInfo, Bugcheck String lines
- CHANGED only files that are checked to see if they are dmps are .dmp, .mdmp, .kdmp, .hdmp, and .txt instead of all files; this should lower time for apps to check .dmps if .avi files, .docx files, etc. exist in the directory with the apps
- CHANGED date when apps will let the user know when updates are available in Feb. 2013
- ADDED Ability to open .txt files from HTML viewer
- ADDED Selecting View .txts instead of View HTML still closes the apps, but only on the screen where both choices are available.
- ADDED BugCheckAnalysis string vector
- ADDED BugCheck Info line added to 88 and 98 files.
- ADDED Checkbox to analyze New .dmps only; this means that .dmps that the apps analyzed in the past are ignored so only a user's most recent .dmps are analyzed
- ADDED File output of the New .dmps only checkbox
- ADDED Variable for new versus old .dmps
- ADDED File output to store all .dmps that have already been analyzed (since the time of this version of the apps started being used)
- ADDED Message that no new .dmps exist in the current set of .dmps if all .dmps have already been analyzed and New .dmps only is turned on
- ADDED Browse button for kd.exe path to find kd.exe
- ADDED Output file for dmp file list for later allowing user to choose which .dmps to analyze
- ADDED 2nd output file for dmp file list for later allowing user to choose which .dmps to analyze
- ADDED checkedListBox that populates with .dmps that were found by apps
- ADDED numericUpDown box to select the number of days for how old .dmps are before they are excluded from the selected .dmps
- ADDED Select/De-Select All checkbox for choosing all/no .dmps in the list
- ADDED Continue button to analyze the .dmps selected
- ADDED link between checkedListBox and numericUpDown box to choose .dmps based on age
- ADDED link between checkedListBox and New .dmps Only checkbox so only new .dmps are selected when the .dmps list loads
- ADDED Timer so the .dmps continue after 30 seconds if the user does not notice the .dmps list window
- ADDED New .dmps list variable to save which .dmps the user selects and have only those saved in the outputDmps directory (or the user's specified output directory).
- ADDED .dmps not selected by the user are now placed in %TEMP%\SysnativeBSODApps\oldDmps to prevent clutter of the apps directory
- ADDED Timeout option for user to input the time before DmpList window closes automatically
- ADDED Support for eightforums
- ADDED Support for windows8forums
- ADDED Final output time to timeBetweenRuns.txt
- ADDED Ability to create SysnativeBSODApps directory elsewhere, i.e. a flash drive for debugging on many machines, and then create a junction to point to it from %userprofile%\SysnativeBSODApps
- ADDED Button for saving forum based .zdn files; forum based .zdn files are no longer saved when Save and Run is clicked.
- ADDED Support for the following forums:
- social.microsoft.com/Forums
- social.technet.microsoft.com
- forums.techguy.org
- geekstogo.com
- howtogeek.com
- majorgeeks.com
- forums.cnet.com
- windowsforums.org
- forums.windowsforum.org
- forum.mintywhite.com
- winsource.com
- windowssecrets.com/forums
- windowsitpro
- w7forums.com
- win8forums.com
- ADDED 19 progress messages to the Change Settings button to show what is loading as the settings load (Full GUI Version)
- ADDED 19 progress messages to the Change Settings button to show what is loading as the settings load (Console Version)
- ADDED Console support to clear the screen prior to starting analysis so Change Settings progress is removed from the screen
- ADDED Progress bar Options -> Always On Top support option Added on Nov. 24, 2012 at 02:40 AM EST
- FIXED Width of date column in Excluded Drivers to prevent text wrapping
- FIXED Scrollbars added to Excluded Drivers Windows 8 column
- FIXED Progress bar no longer updates before the status text in some instances
- FIXED fullPath.txt is no longer left behind after cleanup
- FIXED Program no longer hangs if $_Microsoft_OS_Drivers file is missing
- FIXED Possible other missing files no longer can cause apps to hang
- FIXED Temporary directory linking now works in Windows XP with the Server 2003 Resource Kit
- FIXED Temporary link deletion no longer results in temporary files being deleted from the %TEMP% directory
- FIXED User command output is now only saved for the current set of .dmps instead of including .dmps from many runs ago
- FIXED Rare instance where Arguments list appears when "Arg" string exists inside OEM string list
- FIXED tab sizing scheme for DPI changes
- FIXED text box sizing change for DPI settings within progress bar output
- FIXED allow only one instance of the apps to run at a time to prevent erratic behavior when two instances overwrite files
- FIXED Keyboard input no longer selects HTML Viewer on the View HTML or View .txts options.
- FIXED CheckedListBox iterations for select all and deselect all options
- FIXED Driver lists containing drivers that have been updated no longer show the old driver in red if it has been updated in a more recent .dmp file
- FIXED 3rdPartyDriverName title changed to 3rdPartyDriverDate for 3rdPartyDriverDate HTML viewer
- FIXED .dmps now checked for prior to downloading any DRT info to save time downloading DRT info if .dmps are not present
- FIXED Missing .dmps message now reverts back to the first screen of the apps
- FIXED Apps now restart when cancel is selected for Incorrect kd path
- FIXED Apps now restart when cancel is selected for error downloading driver reference table
- FIXED Apps now restart when WinDbg is not found
- FIXED Apps now restart when progress output is closed in full GUI mode
- FIXED Vector storage no longer goes out of bounds when BBCode is turned off in importantinfo.txt
- FIXED Status messages are not overwritten due to length changes in the console version of the apps
- FIXED Service Pack missing information is now included even when BBCode is turned off in importantinfo.txt
- FIXED Vector for user kd commands no longer goes out of bounds when user commands are not specified
- FIXED Service Pack missing messages are no longer highlighted in red when BBCode is turned off
- FIXED Space added after Service Pack missing messages if extra spacing is selected for importantinfo.txt
- FIXED currentDir.txt is now stored in the tmp directory prior to tmp being deleted to prevent currentDir.txt from being a straggler after Change Settings is closed and the apps exit
- FIXED the default ouputDmps directory name is now correctly outputDmps
- FIXED tmp directory and timeBetweenRuns no longer left behind if tmp is a directory instead of a junction
- FIXED tmp\\outputDmps files are deleted prior to tmp being deleted
- FIXED timeBetweenRuns is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED dump.txt files are no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED z_temp files are no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_del1 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_driver_list_hex_timestamp file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_dvrref_table_98 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_dvrref_updatetime file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_kd_display file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_kernel_dir1 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_OS_ver1 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_parm2 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_parms_dir1 file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_symbols file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_sys_uptime file is no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED $_years files are no longer saved to .zdn files
- FIXED tmp\\un95 is now updated when quick save is selected based on what is in the username input
- FIXED tmp\\un95 is now updated when a .zdn file is loaded based on the username in the .zdn file
- FIXED tmp\\fullGUI.txt is now updated when a .zdn file is loaded based on the preferred setting for Full GUI Version in the .zdn file
- FIXED previous HTML path is no longer saved in .zdn file so it will not load and overwrite the previous HTML path the user recently used
- FIXED .txts are no longer opened on exit but the user is given the option to view the .txt files or the html files
- FIXED all error messages now appear in the progress output
- CHANGED Old Driver After info is now in its own tab
- CHANGED DRT is now labeled Driver Reference Table to prevent ambiguity with users who do not know what DRT means
- CHANGED Missing .dmps message now only has an OK option to revert back to the first screen and let the user add .dmps to the directory
- CHANGED Missing .dmps message to reflect the changes to the apps behavior when .dmps are not found
- CHANGED Messages for the three Incorrect kd path pop-ups
- CHANGED Messages for the error downloading driver reference table
- CHANGED Location of Output Directory Structure section
- CHANGED Location of buttons and checkbox for full GUI on first screen
- CHANGED Reference objects to allow for DPI scaling with new Output Directory Structure section
- CHANGED Button positioning to be more centered horizontally on the screen
- CHANGED outputDmps directory timeBetweenRuns.txt in 30 places to be stored in tmp\\outputDmps instead
- CHANGED mkdir command for outputDmps directory
- CHANGED move command for outputDmps directory
- CHANGED outputDmps time-based subdirectory for output .txt file in 32 places to be stored in user specified subdirectory instead
- ADDED More status updates with kd.exe file searching
- ADDED Better temporary file functionality
- ADDED better support for DPI setting changes, i.e. 125% display settings
- ADDED button positioning based on DPI settings
- ADDED tab sizing based on DPI settings
- ADDED label and text positioning based on DPI settings
- ADDED DPI awareness to apps so font sizes change with DPI changes
- ADDED progress bar sizes based on DPI settings
- ADDED html viewer sizes based on DPI settings
- ADDED menu bar positioning based on DPI settings
- ADDED check box positioning based on DPI settings
- ADDED overall appearance improvements for arrangement of Analysis Options tab
- ADDED Old Driver After tab for OS driver dates and DRT driver URL input
- ADDED More status updates for setting up the directory structure, getting user options, determining whether .dmps reside in the directory with the apps, and getting Driver Reference Table info
- ADDED Output Directory Structure section to first screen
- ADDED Output Directory input
- ADDED Output Subdirectory input
- ADDED Default setting for Output Directory input
- ADDED Default setting for Output Subdirectory input
- ADDED Ability to have outputDmps directory have a different name
- ADDED Ability to store the user's Output Directory input for creating the directory structure
- ADDED Ability to store the user's Output Subdirectory input for creating the directory/subdirectory structure
- ADDED Message if bad symbols are used in the directory name
- ADDED Message if bad symbols are used in the subdirectory name
- CLEANED UP commented code
- CLEANED UP debugging output files to not be saved in .zdn file Added on Oct. 30, 2012 at 12:50 PM EST
- FIXED Method for checking for directories that already exist
- FIXED Progress interface does not load when kd.exe is being searched for
- FIXED Problem where progress output closes too early and apps do not finish
- FIXED All progress outputs combined into one
- FIXED Yield used instead of sleep for thread switching (hopefully more robust for uniprocessor apps)
- FIXED HTML Viewer must be closed to stop the apps. Console is hidden to prevent outTimeDir from being a straggler
- FIXED Better method for progress bar updating percentage
- FIXED Faster closing of progress bar when apps finish
- FIXED HTML Viewer to load closer in time to when console or progress closes
- FIXED HTML Viewer creates HTML files and then loads them into the apps instead of loading one HTML file at a time
- FIXED Progress bar to prevent it from hanging when viewing kd outputs
- FIXED Program no longer crashes "out of the box" if the user processes BSODs from the first screen without changing settings first
- FIXED Program now saves out of the box settings for .dmp processing
- FIXED Arguments output is now the same in processed files as it was in the kd output
- FIXED console versus GUI check
- FIXED Username in DRT update input on first screen is now saved before running
- FIXED Empty kd commands no longer run as user commands
- FIXED console or GUI choice is now saved for HTML Viewer output
- FIXED outTimeDir.txt is now saved in tmp directory
- FIXED tmp directory is not cleaned up until the apps are completely finished so it can be utilized longer
- FIXED Update checking method
- FIXED HTML Viewer does not load HTML files twice if Parse BBCode checkbox is checked when it first loads
- FIXED HTML Viewer now shows the checkbox checked when it first loads if BBCode parsing is enabled
- FIXED GUI progress text output no longer has strobe effect for error messages or kd output
- FIXED Overall .dmp processing progress continues to display when opening kd output in full GUI progress output
- FIXED Apps no longer hang when kd user/default output is selected and no output exists in full GUI progress output
- FIXED Problem that causes apps to exit prematurely in full GUI progress output
- FIXED Problem with user kd output in full GUI progress output
- FIXED More progress steps are displayed when parsing the kd output
- FIXED Apps no longer hang when switching on or off the kd output in the full GUI progress output
- FIXED Apps no longer hang with CSV output when drivers appear many times
- FIXED Apps no longer go over 100 percent in some cases for the progress bar so the .NET warning dialog no longer shows up
- FIXED Apps now load forumSettings file when Process BSODs is clicked if there is input to Originating Post and the .zdn file exists for that set of forums
- FIXED HTML Viewer loads in upper left corner after HTML Viewer option is chosen through the HTML Viewer dialog
- FIXED All windows load near the center of the screen
- FIXED All windows now load in the center of the screen instead of near the center of the screen
- FIXED The first debug session time only shows up once with default kd commands if user commands are also used
- FIXED Progress now shown for kd.exe search during default or user kd analysis
- FIXED Progress bar no longer reloads faster on some systems than others when the progress is unknown
- FIXED First Screen's buttons are now the correct size for more systems
- FIXED Progress Bar labels are now the correct size for more systems
- FIXED Window sizes to fit on more screens
- FIXED Checkbox for Full GUI functionality now works within Change Settings
- FIXED Window sizes
- FIXED Always on top option works again
- FIXED Excluded Driver list no longer is overwritten
- FIXED XP SP3 is now seen by the apps instead of printing that 1, 2, and 3 are missing
- FIXED kernel version output is no longer corrupted
- FIXED Debug time between updates of OS Version is no longer displayed in the console
- FIXED "Getting Driver Reference Table..." now displays properly in console version
- FIXED tmp directory no longer poses a problem if it remains after the apps crash (hopefully they won't crash, though ;) )
- FIXED View .txts now also works after clicking View Previous HTML
- FIXED Font formatting in HTML viewer
- FIXED Select All / Deselect All now works as it was always intended to
- FIXED Excluded Drivers, User kd Commands, and Problem Driver Statistics input methods changed to prevent corruption
- FIXED Editing the first line in Excluded Drivers, User kd Commands, and Problem Driver Statistics when the first line does not yet exist no longer results in a possible bad line being created but instead acts like the Add is selected (this only works for the first line)
- CHANGED How Excluded Driver list is stored and updated
- CHANGED How OS Drivers are stored and checked by using dump.txt only
- REMOVED File option to have previous settings load when apps load; the first screen already accomplishes this feature
- REMOVED ms-dump.txt download and dependence
- MOVED Always on top feature is now under the Options menu item instead of the File menu item
- ADDED New Interface for processing .dmps to show a progress bar as the .dmps are processed
- ADDED Options for user to see kernel debugger output and / or user command output
- ADDED New progress while searching for .dmps
- ADDED New progress while searching for kd.exe
- ADDED Option to have user kd commands output before the default kd commands
- ADDED Simple method to switch from console version to GUI version and vice versa
- ADDED Concatenation of error messages instead of one at a time displaying sometimes so fast the user cannot read it
- ADDED First screen with DRT Update input
- ADDED Button on first screen to change all settings if desired
- ADDED Button on first screen to process BSODs (using previously saved settings) without having to wait for settings to load
- ADDED DRT input on first screen saves before being run
- ADDED DRT input on first screen is saved for changing settings
- ADDED Console shows progress with HTML Viewer when creating HTML files
- ADDED Progress bar shows progress with HTML Viewer when creating HTML files
- ADDED Option for user to run either the GUI or Console version of the apps
- ADDED Option to continue with downloaded DRT file even if possible errors exist
- ADDED Improved kd output loading for full GUI progress output
- ADDED Additional text box for user kd output so default and user kd have separate text boxes in the full GUI progress output
- ADDED Progress of loading the kd output and kd user output for each .dmp within the full GUI progress output
- ADDED Tracking of which .dmps have already been loaded for kd output within the full GUI progress output
- ADDED Robustness for file versus directory checking for files that have directory names
- ADDED Loading feature using the Originating Post input to determine which forum settings to use for the apps
- ADDED Saving feature to save the forum settings based on the Originating Post input
- ADDED Output for console version to show the same progress as the full GUI version
- ADDED Button to open .txt files instead of HTML Viewer if the user changes his/her mind at the HTML Viewer dialog
- ADDED More forum support for forumSettings .zdn files
- ADDED XP, Vista, and 8 old driver after dates separate from 7 old driver date
- ADDED Drop down for XP, Vista, 7, and 8 boxes now link to appropriate Old Driver After boxes
- ADDED XP, Vista, and 8 Old Driver After dates save and load
- ADDED Check box setting saves and loads for Missing Service Pack line in importantInfo, _98-debug, _88-debug, and template output
- ADDED OS Version Check
- ADDED Service Pack Check
- ADDED Missing Service Pack output
- ADDED Ability to use the OS Version for each Old Driver After to determine which OS date to use
- ADDED View Previous HTML button
- ADDED Functionality for View Previous HTML button
- ADDED OS Options for Excluded Drivers tab
- ADDED Save and load capability with OS Options on Excluded Drivers tab
- ADDED Functionality for OS options in Excluded Drivers tab
- ADDED DRT BSOD Descriptions now used to determine if drivers should be highlighted in red and considered as needing updating or removal.
This can be overridden through the Excluded Drivers tab
- ADDED OS Version lists are updated when Excluded Driver list is appended
- ADDED Better update method for OS Version in Excluded Driver list
- ADDED Better support for View Previous HTML button to work from any path Added on Sep. 29, 2012 at 12:25 AM EST
- FIXED Changed the name of "Load Previous" to "Revert to Last Save"
- FIXED Instead of appending to a file, the file is overwritten during Save As (problem fixed on saves using spaces in the paths)
- FIXED Revert to Last Save no longer occurs when Open is canceled
- FIXED Apps stop when GUI is closed. Apps only continue if Save and Run is clicked. Stopping on close is more intuitive behavior
- FIXED Check box select all and deselect all box now reloads when mouse leaves or enters checkbox list
- FIXED html files are now stored in their own directory to prevent clutter
- FIXED html files are not output if the .txt file does not exist
- FIXED sizing issues with output viewer with apps
- FIXED select all / deselect all missing the last three Output Options
- FIXED The apps start always on top
- FIXED files with unknown extensions are now moved after being run if they are .dmps that users changed the extensions on
- FIXED problem that causes apps to hang when not connected to the internet
- FIXED If user chooses to not have apps load previous settings on startup, save and run will just run the apps without saving empty data
- FIXED Create directories for users with spaces in their local username
- FIXED Prevent Users from using Save and Save As with empty forms when settings are not loaded on startup
- FIXED Prevent Users from using Quick Save with empty forms when settings are not loaded on startup
FIXED ASACPI.sys no longer included in the old driver list if it is 2009 or newer
FIXED GearAspiWDM.sys no longer included in the old driver list
- FIXED Minor bug reading in user's template.txt file when lines have no characters and the program checked for the first character
- FIXED Index of string vector going out of bounds for old driver checks
- FIXED Case where no external drivers are specified and all drivers are considered old no longer happens
- FIXED Spacing issue with HTML Viewers
- FIXED BBCode can now be entered using any case sequence of characters, i.e. cOdE will behave the same as code, CODE, or CoDe
- FIXED List sequences now work as intended. The HTML conversion was incorrect prior to this release
- FIXED Font formatting in HTML Viewers now works as it should
- FIXED Spacing issue with font formatting in HTML Viewers
- FIXED Final time now indicates the actual time to process the .dmps and is not interrupted by corrupted .dmp and size mismatch .dmp messages
- FIXED Logic for driver sorting by name and date
- FIXED csv behavior to make sorting in Excel easier
- FIXED Time dmp was run so it has enough precision to keep track of seconds
- FIXED Headers for columns so they are not considered data by the apps
- FIXED Probably Caused By is included in the header of .csv files
- FIXED Program crashes with driver info not including timestamp with user commands
- FIXED Driver lists no longer have erroneous input due to expecting timestamps when user runs other lm commands not including the t commands
- FIXED Driver lists no longer have erroneous input due to expecting driver extension names when user runs other lm commands not including the n commands
- FIXED Program no longer hangs if the path to kd.exe includes spaces and extra quotes
- FIXED Numbering lists no longer deletes valuable info
- FIXED Numbering lists no longer have problems with dates with numbers in them
- FIXED Numbers don't duplicate if numbers already exist
- FIXED Directory name is used for an empty file and directory is missing no longer causes apps to hang
- FIXED Arguments list now includes all argument info instead of being cut off
- FIXED .dmp files with spaces in the name now will be moved after .dmps are run
- FIXED String searches are now more detailed to prevent finding strings within a stack trace that should only be found with !analyze -v
- FIXED "Now running user commands..." only prints once
- FIXED user kd commands no longer cause corrupted lists to grow unless "Only Use User kd Commands" is checked
- FIXED "Only Use User kd Commands" now have correct debug session time for header in _99-debug.txt file
- FIXED size issue with _99-debug.txt html viewer
- FIXED Better symbols checking for wrong symbols now also works with user kd commands
- FIXED Faster method developed for symbols error checking and robust error checking by storing symbols error lines so errors that re-occur even after downloading symbols are not checked for each user command multiple times
- FIXED Corrupted messages for user commands only show up once per .dmp instead of once per command
- FIXED Link now works if "there may be an update available" message appears
- CHANGED How options are chosen for always on top and loading settings on startup; both are now a simple check or uncheck within the file menu
- CHANGED Date check for message that "there may be an update available" for apps
- ADDED Ability to save changes to a chosen file by clicking save
- ADDED Quick Save for next run or to temporarily save settings
- ADDED An information message box appears when the program is finished to make sure it is closed after it finishes
- ADDED Lists of important dates for each OS starting with Windows XP and ending with Windows 8
- ADDED Select all/Deselect all check boxes
- ADDED The ability to choose whether the apps treat all files in the directory as possible .dmps
- ADDED The ability to output the .txt files within the apps instead of text editors/notepad and have the files displayed with their BBCode parsed into simple formatting. Not all BBCode is supported due to different sites using different BBCode wrappers
- ADDED Microsoft Windows OS dates now can be input to the Old Driver After date by clicking on the desired date from the drop down for each Microsoft Windows OS Dates
- ADDED Ability to turn on or off the apps loading previous settings when the apps load (File -> When Apps Load)
- ADDED BBCode support for [CODE], [FONT], [LIST], [LIST=1], [LIST=a], [SIZE=1-7], [INDENT]
- ADDED Option to turn off BBCode Parsing in HTML viewers before processing the .dmps
- ADDED Option within the HTML Viewers to turn on/off BBCode Parsing
- ADDED Option to make the apps interface always on top or not while running
Input for ASACPI.sys date. That date, and any previous dates: consider the driver old and in need of updating
- ADDED List of drivers to be excluded from the Old Driver Date check. The list also includes its own date input for those drivers
- ADDED Numbers to drivers and driver dates in the Excluded Drivers list to keep track of which drivers pair with which dates
- ADDED Overclock Ratio calculation if overclocking is suspected
- ADDED Exit option in the File menu
- ADDED csv output for driver statistics with known problematic drivers
- ADDED Time dmp was run in first column of driver statistics output
- ADDED Header to each column to organize which information is given in each column
- ADDED The ability to input user kd commands
- ADDED The ability for the user to choose to run only those commands instead of the defaults
- ADDED The ability to still parse out needed info if the user runs only the user commands (assuming the user commands include !analyze -v and driver list info)
- ADDED Numbers must be either of the first two characters of lists
- ADDED More robust method for creating directories if they are missing from the SysnativeBSODApps directory
- ADDED Better symbols checking for wrong symbols
- ADDED New method for checking whether symbols are definitely wrong or just possibly wrong Added on Aug. 31, 2012 at 12:56 AM EST
- FIXED Problem with template loading if template lines are longer than 255 characters
- FIXED Problem with win32k.sys symbols if the module information is unavailable or timestamp has 08:09 2012 in the timestamp
- FIXED Made reading input files more robust. Parms files with long lines no longer cause problems
- FIXED Issue with user profile path on systems using other languages
- FIXED Kernel symbols are WRONG error message order
- FIXED Re-adjusted the % Finished dialog to be more accurate
- FIXED The kd.exe path to be found on all drives active on the system instead of just the C: drive
- FIXED The Old Driver After so it actually saves the date input by the user. This was not working before
- FIXED Local Symbols Options to save options from last local run even if an online path was used since that run
- FIXED xcopy command so it can work within the SysnativeBSODApps directory under the user profile
- ADDED New icon
- ADDED Message that an update is available when the next month arrives
- ADDED Details to .exe file (Right click SysnativeBSODApps.exe -> Properties -> Details tab)
- ADDED Output to _95-debug.txt when all 3rd party drivers are found in the table to let the user know all drivers were found in the table
- ADDED The ability to find the kd.exe path automatically if the user enters the incorrect path or does not enter a path
- ADDED A pop up message if the kd.exe path is incorrect with steps to let the apps find the path or let the user enter it manually
- ADDED A pop up message for corrupted dmps at the end of the apps run
- ADDED A pop up message for size mismatched dmps (size 0 .dmp files included)
- ADDED The ability to choose whether BBCode is used in Code Boxes
- ADDED The ability to choose whether old drivers are highlighted in red
- ADDED Full date capability for Old Driver After input
- ADDED template.txt options now are separated: <3rd Party Drivers><date><descriptions><timestamp>
- ADDED <timestamp> option in template.txt allows only drivers prior to the Old Driver After date to be output
- ADDED A new interface for the symbols search path and options
- ADDED Ability to quick save settings without running the apps
- ADDED Ability to save and load settings to/from a saved .zdn file