I wish I had good news...
The bcdboot.exe in the zip also doesn't understand the "/f UEFI" option either.
I accidentally ran the command (read: not thinking) by backing off the "/f UEFI" intending to do a screen capture but hit enter.
I was in safe mode (w/prompt) so I didn't screen capture, but it did scroll a bunch of messages (they looked favorable, not failures).
When I exited safe mode, it continued with the windows boot. Interestingly, MSCONFIG did NOT report the original "can't find path"
error. When I changed from "selective boot" to "normal boot", it seemed to "stick".
However, when I rebooted, it booted to the HDD (old, as-delivered) Windows, not the SSD one.
I tried intercepting the boot at the BIOS level and telling it to boot from the SSD, but it now always boots to the old volume.
I don't know how to recover my SSD boot.
In trying different things, I did notice that when I exited DISKPART (still in safe mode cmd prompt) after assigning the Z: letter, that
the SSD and HDD letters are swapped. When I "dir C:", I'm seeing the HDD and "dir D:" shows the SSD.
In bcdboot, I said to boot to C:\windows (as C: should be my SSD) but if I can get bcdboot to work again (now it fails each time)
I can try to use D:\windows.
I'm a little scared that I can't yet recover my normal boot.