Microsoft Surface tablets will be Wi-Fi only at first?


Emeritus, Contributor
Apr 2, 2012
Bloomberg's anonymous sources say that the Microsoft Surface tablet will just ship in a Wi-Fi only version for launch.
Verizon's shared data plans are finally making it (relatively) affordable to have both a cellphone and a cellular tablet, too, but Surface buyers will apparently not be able to take advantage of that new paradigm when the tablet first hits the market.
We didn't really expect anything else, honestly, as Microsoft made no mention of cellular connectivity during its Surface press conference or in spec sheets for the device, and most tablets and PCs have traditionally shipped without cellular connectivity on day one.
sources also say the Surface is manufactured by Taiwanese ODM Pegatron.
Microsoft Surface May Be Wi-Fi Only At Launch, Says Report

Despite having only been announced at the beginning of the week, the Microsoft Surface has become the most talked-about gadget[FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important][/FONT][/FONT] on the planet, and by declining to comment on price and availability – a couple of reasonably important factors – the gossip chain has reached overdrive. To add a little extra spice to proceedings, Bloomberg reckons the highly anticipated tablet[FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important][/FONT][/FONT]-ultrabook cross may initially only ship with Wi-Fi capabilities, which could certainly put a dampener on the general excitement within the tech sphere.
[h=1]Surface Tablets rumors on pricing and being WiFi-only make their rounds[/h]
Microsoft's Surface tablet event definitely caused a buzz that was dampened a little with the Windows Phone Summit which was held two days later. In a way, Windows Phone 8 took a little wind out of Surface's sails. While the spotlight has been on Windows Phone 8, there have been a few rumors growing with regards to the Surface tablets which we'll catch up on.

The release date is still up in the air and Microsoft is sticking with the Surface RT being released with the general availability of Windows 8. The Windows 8 Pro Surface would hit store shelves about 90 days after that. Initial availability will be through Microsoft's stores and select third party retailers. Likely, Best Buy, etc.

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