Hi there! Finally registered, after some time lurking (and learning!)
Unfortunaly, what brings me here is an annoying case of chronical BSOD disease. Searching Google and I found this impressive knowledge hub. Been reading some threads and learning a little about the amazing world of BSODs. :banghead:
Right now, I'm collecting some info before posting a thread in the correct area, and I hope to have some help from the experts outthere.
To the people involved in this site, thank you very much for your help and for sharing this amazing amount of knowledge.
Unfortunaly, what brings me here is an annoying case of chronical BSOD disease. Searching Google and I found this impressive knowledge hub. Been reading some threads and learning a little about the amazing world of BSODs. :banghead:
Right now, I'm collecting some info before posting a thread in the correct area, and I hope to have some help from the experts outthere.
To the people involved in this site, thank you very much for your help and for sharing this amazing amount of knowledge.