]It is not urgent but I recommend you shut it down again, unplug from the wall then closely inspect that power connection for evidence of arcing. Check the cable end first (because it is easy to unplug, bring out and inspect under a good light). It is not about damage (+12VDC is too small) but carbon build-up (soot marks). If you see any black or pitted arc marks on the cable connector, there likely is on the drive side too. Most power supplies have spare power cables (unless you have many drives installed). If me I would mark the cable and tie it out of the way, then use a different power cable.
Whether same or different cable, just [carefully] plugging and unplugging the connector 2 or 3 times should scrape the contacts clean to ensure a good "mechanical" connection - essential for a good "electrical" connection through the connector. The problem is, if not cleaned, dirt and carbon build-up in a connector promotes more build-up (and corrosion) which could lead to a bad power connection to the drive again.
Going in again will give you an opportunity to make sure all other power, data and fan cables are securely fastened, and routed, if possible out of the air flow through the case.
And make sure you discharge any static in your body by touching bare metal of the case interior before reaching in. And while in there, might as well make sure all the fans, heatsinks, vents, circuit boards are free of heat trapping dust - with you as the family go-to computer guy
no one else is going to for fear of messing it up.