lol, you cheaters :hysterical:
For a hexadecimal value though it's still denoted as an Integer type, and the max value for an integer is 2147483647, max value for a UInteger is 4294967295, therefore, since hexadecimal values prefixed with &H are interpretted as Integer values, the value of &HFFFFFFFF which is 4294967295, is invalid as an integer as a 32 bit integer has a max of 2147483647, so the compiler evaluates it as -1, and as a UInteger (no negatives), this is invalid, and not assignable. Therefore you could suffix it with UI, to declare it as an unsigned 32 bit integer, OR suffix it with '&' to declare it as a Long (64 bit signed integer) which has a max value of 9223372036854775807, but extends into the negative values as well unlike an unsigned 32 bit integer value. If denoted as an Unsigned 64 bit integer, the max value would be: 18446744073709551615