It is in the listings, but that's just a different name for it, while the official name is STATUS_BREAKPOINT. A hard assert is just another name for a hard breakpoint that's been inserted into the compiled code of the executable that's put there by devs to test their software. They really should not be present in the finished product but there are times when they accidentally are left in there, which is why it's considered a bug when they are. They are undesirable because they force a crash of the application with the intent of breaking into with a debugger, when really the condition - which has already been made aware by the devs (hence inserting the breakpoint) - should be handled cleanly by the application code.
Anyways, thanks mil for these, especially the article on them by Johannes Passing. I knew there was a formula to them but I wasn't certain what it was. Now I'm aware why NTSTATUS codes end in 4, 8 and C, cuz the bit flags represent levels of severity. Course I could've just as easily discovered this in the proper headers in the WDK, but I'm lazy like that. :)