Deutsch (German) to English Driver Verifier settings (Windows 8.1)


Retired Admin
Feb 20, 2012
Deutsch to English - settings for Driver Verifier (Win8.1):
NOTE: it seems like no matter what the language (and what the version of Windows) that the settings are in the same order (in other words, Special Pool is always the first setting in Win8.1 Driver Verifier - regardless of what language it is)
Spezieller Pool=Special Pool
IRQL-Uberprufung erzwingen=Force IRQL checking
Simulation geringer Ressourcen nach dem Zufallsprinzip=Randomized low resources simulation
Poolnachverfolgung=Pool tracking
E/A-Uberprufung=I/O verification
Deadlock - Erkennung=Deadlock detection
DMA - Uberprufung=DMA Checking
Sicherheitsuberprufungen=Security checks
Ausstehende E/A-Anforderungen erszingen (*)=Force pending I/O requests
IRP-Protokollierung (*)=IRP logging
Sonstige Prufungen=Miscellaneous checks
Invariante MDL-Uberprufung fur Stapel (*)=Invariant MDL checking for stack
Invariante MDL-Uberprufung fur Treiber (*)=Invariant MDL checking for driver
Testen der Verzogerung des Energieverwaltungsfra....=Power framework delay fuzzing
DDI-Kompatibilitatsuberfrufung=DDI compliance checking
Systematische Simulation geringer Ressourcen=Systematic low resources simulation
DDI-Kompatibilitatsuberporufung (zusatzlich)=DDI compliance checking (additional)
NDIS/WIFI-Uberprufung=NDIS/WIFI verification
Testen der Verzogerung der Kernel-Synchronisierung=Kernel synchronization delay fuzzing
VM-Switchuberprufung=VM switch verification
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Is there any additional options with the Windows 8.1 Driver Verifier? I don't know, because I don't really debug Windows 8 systems.

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