Hello, I hope you can guide me. Thankyou for very much for your clear posting instructions. I hope I have done enough searching before posting. Normally I would read every post and try things, but I've read in your posts that we shouldn't pick bits of fixes made for other people, but instead to run your first tool (SFCFix) and post it in a new thread, along with CBS folder. So I've done that, it just feels a little bit lazy of me ... asking for help before I've tried everything I can find !
My Problem
... Win Update Sept ran automatically and installed 5 updates. After that, I keep getting the restart box and a timer, which restarts my PC if I don't catch it. Win Update says 'Restart your computer to (finish) install important updates', which also stops me checking to see if there are any more updates outstanding. I see from your forum that this is a common problem, so I won't describe any more detail, as I suspect you will know what I'm seeing.
... Sept Win Update installed 5 updates (2 off .NET, 2 off Office 2010, 1 off Malicious Software Rmvl Tool). Checking another PC, there were a lot more updates in Sept. This problem PC didn't install IE 11 update or any Windows 7 updates.
... Win 7 Home Premium, SP1, 64bit, genuine from microsoft. i5-2400. 4GB ram.
Fixes Already Tried
... Microsoft troubleshooter leading to MicrosoftFixit50123.
... System Restore, tried 3 restore points from before the Sept WinUpdate. All failed, they seemed to run thro ok, the msg at end said had failed, error 0x80071a91.
... (I also followed one of your instructions for somebody else, before I read that I shouldn't pick bits of your fixes like that). It was services.msc, then confirm Windows Modules Installer will start (it was stopped, and did start ok when I told it to), then set as Automatic and restart the PC. I did all that, and no change to my problem.
SFCFix & CBS folder
... I've run this and attached the info you request;
View attachment CBS.zipView attachment SFCFix.txt
If I've missed something, please let me know.
Thankyou, Andrew.
My Problem
... Win Update Sept ran automatically and installed 5 updates. After that, I keep getting the restart box and a timer, which restarts my PC if I don't catch it. Win Update says 'Restart your computer to (finish) install important updates', which also stops me checking to see if there are any more updates outstanding. I see from your forum that this is a common problem, so I won't describe any more detail, as I suspect you will know what I'm seeing.
... Sept Win Update installed 5 updates (2 off .NET, 2 off Office 2010, 1 off Malicious Software Rmvl Tool). Checking another PC, there were a lot more updates in Sept. This problem PC didn't install IE 11 update or any Windows 7 updates.
... Win 7 Home Premium, SP1, 64bit, genuine from microsoft. i5-2400. 4GB ram.
Fixes Already Tried
... Microsoft troubleshooter leading to MicrosoftFixit50123.
... System Restore, tried 3 restore points from before the Sept WinUpdate. All failed, they seemed to run thro ok, the msg at end said had failed, error 0x80071a91.
... (I also followed one of your instructions for somebody else, before I read that I shouldn't pick bits of your fixes like that). It was services.msc, then confirm Windows Modules Installer will start (it was stopped, and did start ok when I told it to), then set as Automatic and restart the PC. I did all that, and no change to my problem.
SFCFix & CBS folder
... I've run this and attached the info you request;
View attachment CBS.zipView attachment SFCFix.txt
If I've missed something, please let me know.
Thankyou, Andrew.