Celebrating Sysnative's 1st Anniversary!


Microsoft MVP,
Security Analyst
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Upstate, NY
Sys 1st Birthday.jpg

Although the forum doors were not officially opened until 15 May 2012, Sysnative's official 1st anniversary is 20 February 2013.

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by already. So much has changed over the past year -- tweaks to settings, forums added, the Sysnative BSOD Processing Apps released, and a wonderful group of people all have contributed to making Sysnative a wonderful place to both provide and obtain help.

To each and every one here and, especially jcgriff2, thank you for your contributions in making Sysnative a great forum with exceptional help!


It was one year ago today that hosting & vBulletin 4 were purchased for the express purpose of BSOD App development as I have stated on numerous occasions - never planned to become a full-fledged forum. However, things changed based on the asinine actions of others leaving me no choice - AND CERTAINLY NO REGRETS WHATSOEVER.

The Wayback Machine shows Sysnative on 19 March 2012 -


Quite a difference from today! Tekno Venus found that for me (as well as including some comments that left me. . . LMAO!! :lol:).

Sysnative's official public debut was actually mid-May with the introduction of the BSOD Processing Apps.

Bottom line -- if not for all of you, Sysnative would not be what it is today with a very bright future!


Although the forum doors were not officially opened until 15 May 2012, Sysnative's official 1st anniversary is 20 February 2013.

It is hard to believe that a year has gone by already. So much has changed over the past year -- tweaks to settings, forums added, the Sysnative BSOD Processing Apps released, and a wonderful group of people all have contributed to making Sysnative a wonderful place to both provide and obtain help.

To each and every one here and, especially jcgriff2, thank you for your contributions in making Sysnative a great forum with exceptional help!

When does the cake get cut (and delivered? -- lunchtime here!! :lol:)
Now, now. There is enough for everyone. There's fresh coffee and tea on the Lounge table.
Happy Birthday, Sysnative :)

And thank you, John, for providing such a forum for the rest of us to work from.

It has been amazing to see it grow, and I feel extremely privileged to work here.

May we continue long into the future!
Happy Birthday Sysnative!

I want to say a big thank you to everyone here, as the site would not be possible at all without you. You, as members, are the beating heart of the site. Without you, it would just be us admins and it would get kinda boring talking to ourselves all the time. :lol:

The site has certainly changed appearance from when it first began in that snapshot by the Wayback Machine (http://web.archive.org/web/20120319042356/https://www.sysnative.com/forums/forum.php). I think you'd agree with me that it looks a lot more inviting now. :)

Nothing here would have happened without the hard work of John Griffith, who has kept us motivated and driven behind the scenes. So thank you John.

Whilst I didn't join here at the very beginning, I have seen the site grow and flourish, and I am extremely happy with what I see before me. But we will not stop working on the site, be it design, performance or features, we will be constantly be at work behind the scenes to make your experience a better one. But remember, all feedback is welcome, good or bad.

I have high hopes for Sysnative in 2013 and expect lots of things to happen. As John said, our future is very bright and I look forward to seeing what it holds.

Once again however, thank you to everyone here for making the site what it is.

Happy Birthday and congrats to John and all involved in setting up this place. You folks have done a tremendous job - and I cannot believe it has been a year!! (I must be getting old...)
Truth be told -- I did purchase hosting + vBulletin4, but then turned to Geoff (Laxer) & said "Now What?".

I had no idea whatsoever what to do next.

If not for Geoff. . . no Sysnative.

Thanks, dude! :thumbsup2:
Truth be told -- I did purchase hosting + vBulletin4, but then turned to Geoff (Laxer) & said "Now What?".

I had no idea whatsoever what to do next.

If not for Geoff. . . no Sysnative.

Thanks, dude! :thumbsup2:

If not for Geoff, no corruption of your mind... :lolg:

No worries John :grin1:

We(all of our members) are what make sysnative special, without anyone of us we would not be the same... :thumbsup2:
Thank you everyone for having a place I can be a part of enjoying myself and share my work with others.

And most important of all thank you for being my friends and second family. I hope Sysnative has a very bright future.

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