Summary: A number of graphics cards at various price points that feature both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs.
Question from the Hardware 2.0 mailbox:
“I’m planning to upgrade my existing gaming PC. I’ve got the motherboard and processor figured out — I’m going for the Intel Core i7-3770 Ivy Bridge processor paired with an ASUS Sabertooth Z77 motherboard — but I’m stuck when it comes to the graphics card. Any suggestions?”
As far as the CPU and motherboard goes, you’ve made some very good choices. Those components will make for a solid foundation to a gaming PC.
When it comes to which graphics cards to choose, what you should go for depends a lot on your budget. Since you’re buying a $320 processor and $230 motherboard, I’m assuming that your budget isn’t that limited. However, what I’ll do is list a number of graphics cards at various price points that feature both AMD and NVIDIA GPUs and let you choose what fits in best with your budget.