[SOLVED] All Windows Updates Fail To Install


Active member
Jan 15, 2013

All Windows Updates are failing to install on my Windows 6 x64 SP1 Machine.

Similar issue to https://www.sysnative.com/forums/wi...ows-updates-repeatedly-install-one-fails.html

If you could please check out my CBS log file that I have attached?

And NO I did NOT use any sort of stupid reg cleaner. I had my computer off and unplugged for 5 months, as I was doing Basic Training and AIT.

I come home, plug the computer in and turn it on. And now Windows updates are failing to install.

Was 100% fine when I left and no way anyone had access to my computer. Locked away be closed doors. Anyhow..

Also Windows Updates show IE 9 being needed to install, again. It's been installed since it was released and works fine.

Also "Turn Windows Features on or Off" comes up blank in the control panel.

Thanks for the help,



I'd do a repair install - no-one is going to touch a system with the complete watchlist (9000+ entries) missing :(
Hi Will,

Thanks for making a new thread.

I'm more than happy to give it a go, but I really don't know what the knock on effects will be with that many errors. If you want to attempt the fix, then just let me know, otherwise, as Noel suggested, a Repair Install is the way to go:


I'd do a repair install - no-one is going to touch a system with the complete watchlist (9000+ entries) missing :(

Ah where's the fun in that? :p You can pretty much automate the fix with Excel and Notepad++ (using RegEx), so it's not too bad :)


P.S. I've got exams until Thursday, so would you mind waiting until then before we continue? If this is urgent, then I'm sure either (or both!) Richard or Noel will tend to you.

Good luck with your exams!

More than happy to wait. I'm working all week as it is and I won't have much time either.

Thanks for looking into it.

You mention excel and using regex. I can do it myself then if you enlighten me. ;)

Yeah I've tried repair installs in the past and that never works at well.

If I can't get this fixed then I will try and upgrade to Windows 8 and see what happens.

Of course I'll image my drive again (before making this post I did a full system image just in case) first.

I'm just at a loss how this even happened in the first place. Seeing as my computer is completely offline. Not even plugged in, so not lightening either.

Thanks again,

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Welcome to Sysnative, Will :)

Thanks for creating a new thread. I know that every forum is different, and it is hard to try to guage how each forum wants things done. Anyway, thank you :)

We can certainly have a go at fixing this. Sometimes we can pull it off with this many errors, other times not. But we will certainly give it our best shot.

Do you mind waiting until Thursday? Tom and I are currently snowed under with work. Thank you very much for your patience.

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No problem. Happy to wait. Just glad I found someone willing to help.

No worries. Thursday is fine.

Sadly though I am going to have to be out of town Friday - Sunday. Just found out a few minutes ago.

So maybe even next Monday would be better?


Hi, Will.

With the combined schedules of your obligations plus those of Richard and Tom, please be sure to *bump* this thread with a fresh reply next week if you haven't heard back from either of them with instructions.
Hello Will :)

Thank you for your patience.

I don't know when you will get this. It honestly does not matter, we will reply whenever you reply. So if you want to pick this up on Monday, Tuesday, later, etc., doesn't bother me in the slightest. Whenever, some preparatory work before your fix.


Download the Freeware RegBak from here: Acelogix Software - Download products

Navigate to C:\Windows\RegBak\{Date}\ and copy the COMPONENTS file to your Desktop.

Now right click on it > Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.

Then please upload it to your favourite file sharing website (it will be too big for here). If you have a Microsoft Account, SkyDrive could be a good choice: https://skydrive.live.com/, but any other will do just fine.

Thank you!


Done as requested.

Sadly there is no COMPONENTS file created. :(

And my weekend plans have been canceled due to SNOW. Ugh! So lots of free time now.

Thanks again,

Hello Will :)

I did wonder about this. Can you please open an Elevated Command Prompt: How to start an Elevated Command Prompt in Windows 7 and Vista

and type in (pressing enter after each line)

dir C:\Windows\System32\Config > %userprofile%\Desktop\dir_config.txt
dir C:\Windows\System32\Config /ah >> %userprofile%\Desktop\dir_config.txt

Then please upload dir_config.txt (zip it up if necessary) from your Desktop.

Thank you!


Here is the file as requested.

Thanks again,


PS: I'm willing to allow you remote access via TeamViewer if that would help. :)


Hello war59312,

Could you reboot your computer please? Then navigate to the following location:


And copy the file COMPONENTS (it has no file extension) to you Desktop. Now I would like you to upload it to your Skydrive please, then send us the link:


Hello war59312,

Thanks for the file, that was perfectly done. I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, your COMPONENTS hive has been completely destroyed by something. This image may not mean anything to you, but notice that there are two keys under CanonicalData and DerivedData, there should be thousands there.


A few questions, before we decide your fate:

Is this a recent problem?
Do you use registry cleaners/optimisers? If so, what?
Do you have a Windows 7 installation DVD? If so, would you have any objections (ie work/school commitments etc.) to doing a clean install?


Very strange.

Nope, never used any sort of registry cleaner/optimiser in my life. I know they are bad!!!!

And I have a Windows CD but I'd rather not reinstall. I'd rather live with it atm.

Started probably 9 months ago. Just been living with it. :(

Thanks again,

Hi Will,

It's good to hear you're aware of the dangers of registry cleaners! But then again, it's a shame this wasn't caused by one as it would be nice and easy to restore.

Okay, rather than reinstalling, can I suggest you do a repair install?


You won't lose any of your programs/files, but it might, just might, fix your problem :) Due to the extent of the problem, I'm not hopeful, but looking at that screenshot, it's safe to say that it can't get much worse! A repair install would definitely stabilise your system, one way or another.

Well, will do if I must. But going to see if CrashPlan might just have a backup. :)

And I did image my computer at some point, so I might have a decent backup of the components folder somewhere.

Downloading a backup via crashplan from Sep 19, 2012.

Might I got lucky!

My checking it out.

Will post a link to it in a minute.

Please check:
It really doesn't take much time, but it can do wonders, I would highly recommend it.

It would be better if you attempt the repair install before you try to restore the COMPONENTS hive from a backup - this should be a last resort really as it isn't the best of methods, for reasons that I'll explain if it comes to that.


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