Did anyone else get ~50 Trusted Root Certificates installed via Windows Updates?
I thought it was kb931125 - Windows root certificate program members, but I do not see kb931125 it in my system -
My Event Viewer SYSTEM logs show a few repeating error entries like these two re: Schannel:
Microsoft Exchange Server forum has A solution, I guess - change a registry key value to turn of Event Viewer logging!
getting Schannel 36874 errors on my CAS/HT servers
The 2 Schannel errors were followed by the installation of these 50 trusted root certs:
Some threads suggest they came in to some systems by accident. I am not running Server 2007R2, but am running Windows 7 x64 SP1, the same basic build.
Are these certificates OK or . . .
kb2464556 suggest one method:
kb931125 -
Expand this table[TABLE="class: table, width: 760"]
[TD]Issued to
[TD]Issued by
[TD]Serial number
[TD]Expiration date
[TD]Intended purposes
[TD]Friendly name
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Time Stamping
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
Is there anything to do here or are they OK?
Any idea why I got them but most others I checked with did not?
I thought it was kb931125 - Windows root certificate program members, but I do not see kb931125 it in my system -
My Event Viewer SYSTEM logs show a few repeating error entries like these two re: Schannel:
Read More:
Log Name: System
Source: Schannel
Date: 2012-12-15T01:36:48.980
Event ID: [COLOR="#FF0000"]36888[/COLOR]
Level: Error
User: S-1-5-18
The following fatal alert was generated: 40.
The internal error state is 107.[/COLOR]
Log Name: System
Source: Schannel
Date: 2012-12-15T01:36:48.980
Event ID: [COLOR="#FF0000"]36874[/COLOR]
Level: Error
User: S-1-5-18
An SSL 3.0 connection request was received from a remote client application,
but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are
supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed.[/COLOR]
Microsoft Exchange Server forum has A solution, I guess - change a registry key value to turn of Event Viewer logging!
getting Schannel 36874 errors on my CAS/HT servers
The 2 Schannel errors were followed by the installation of these 50 trusted root certs:
[COLOR="#000000"]Each had the prefix:[/COLOR] [COLOR="#000044"][B]Successful auto property update of third-party root certificate:: Subject[/B][/COLOR]
[*] : <CN=Hongkong Post Root CA 1, O=Hongkong Post, C=HK> Sha1 thumbprint: <D6DAA8208D09D2154D24B52FCB346EB258B28A58>.
[*] : <CN=AffirmTrust Premium, O=AffirmTrust, C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <D8A6332CE0036FB185F6634F7D6A066526322827>.
[*] : <CN=SwissSign Gold CA - G2, O=SwissSign AG, C=CH> Sha1 thumbprint: <D8C5388AB7301B1B6ED47AE645253A6F9F1A2761>.
[*] : <E=ance@certification.tn, CN=Agence Nationale de Certification Electronique, OU=Certification & PKI, O=ANCE, C=TN> Sha1 thumbprint: <D904080A4929C838E9F185ECF7A22DEF99342407>.
[*] : <CN=Equifax Secure eBusiness CA-1, O=Equifax Secure Inc., C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <DA40188B9189A3EDEEAEDA97FE2F9DF5B7D18A41>.
[*] : <CN=CA DATEV BT 01, O=DATEV eG, C=DE> Sha1 thumbprint: <DA8B6567EF3F6E1EA26AB146E36CCB5728041846>.
[*] : <CN=DST Root CA X3, O=Digital Signature Trust Co.> Sha1 thumbprint: <DAC9024F54D8F6DF94935FB1732638CA6AD77C13>.
[*] : <CN=Buypass Class 3 Root CA, O=Buypass AS-983163327, C=NO> Sha1 thumbprint: <DAFAF7FA6684EC068F1450BDC7C281A5BCA96457>.
[*] : <CN=GTE CyberTrust Root, OU="GTE CyberTrust Solutions, Inc.", O=GTE Corporation, C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <DBAC3C7AA4254DA1AA5CAAD68468CB88EEDDEEA8>.
[*] : <E=acraiz@suscerte.gob.ve, OU=Superintendencia de Servicios de Certificacion Electronica, O=Sistema Nacional de Certificacion Electronica, S=Distrito Capital, L=Caracas, C=VE, CN=Autoridad de Certificacion Raiz del Estado Venezolano> Sha1 thumbprint: <DD83C519D43481FAD4C22C03D702FE9F3B22F517>.
[*] : <CN=e-Guven Kok Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Saglayicisi, O=Elektronik Bilgi Guvenligi A.S., C=TR> Sha1 thumbprint: <DDE1D2A901802E1D875E84B3807E4BB1FD994134>.
[*] : <CN=GeoTrust Global CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <DE28F4A4FFE5B92FA3C503D1A349A7F9962A8212>.
[*] : <CN=QuoVadis Root Certification Authority, OU=Root Certification Authority, O=QuoVadis Limited, C=BM> Sha1 thumbprint: <DE3F40BD5093D39B6C60F6DABC076201008976C9>.
[*] : <CN=Cisco Root CA 2048, O=Cisco Systems> Sha1 thumbprint: <DE990CED99E0431F60EDC3937E7CD5BF0ED9E5FA>.
[*] : <CN=TWCA Root Certification Authority, OU=Root CA, O=TAIWAN-CA, C=TW> Sha1 thumbprint: <DF646DCB7B0FD3A96AEE88C64E2D676711FF9D5F>.
[*] : <CN=Hongkong Post Root CA, O=Hongkong Post, C=HK> Sha1 thumbprint: <E0925E18C7765E22DABD9427529DA6AF4E066428>.
[*] : <E=premium-server@thawte.com, CN=Thawte Premium Server CA, OU=Certification Services Division, O=Thawte Consulting cc, L=Cape Town, S=Western Cape, C=ZA> Sha1 thumbprint: <E0AB059420725493056062023670F7CD2EFC6666>.
[*] : <C=ES, O=EDICOM, OU=PKI, CN=ACEDICOM Root> Sha1 thumbprint: <E0B4322EB2F6A568B654538448184A5036874384>.
[*] : <CN=UTN-USERFirst-Object, OU=http://www.usertrust.com, O=The USERTRUST Network, L=Salt Lake City, S=UT, C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <E12DFB4B41D7D9C32B30514BAC1D81D8385E2D46>.
[*] : <C=IL, O=ComSign, CN=ComSign CA> Sha1 thumbprint: <E1A45B141A21DA1A79F41A42A961D669CD0634C1>.
[*] : <CN=NetLock Expressz (Class C) Tanusitvanykiado, OU=Tanusitvanykiadok, O=NetLock Halozatbiztonsagi Kft., L=Budapest, C=HU> Sha1 thumbprint: <E392512F0ACFF505DFF6DE067F7537E165EA574B>.
[*] : <CN=D-TRUST Qualified Root CA 1 2007:PN, O=D-Trust GmbH, C=DE> Sha1 thumbprint: <E3D73606996CDFEF61FA04C335E98EA96104264A>.
[*] : <E=info@valicert.com, CN=http://www.valicert.com/, OU=ValiCert Class 1 Policy Validation Authority, O="ValiCert, Inc.", L=ValiCert Validation Network> Sha1 thumbprint: <E5DF743CB601C49B9843DCAB8CE86A81109FE48E>.
[*] : <CN=A-Trust-Qual-01, OU=A-Trust-Qual-01, O=A-Trust Ges. für Sicherheitssysteme im elektr. Datenverkehr GmbH, C=AT> Sha1 thumbprint: <E619D25B380B7B13FDA33E8A58CD82D8A88E0515>.
[*] : <CN=GeoTrust Universal CA, O=GeoTrust Inc., C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <E621F3354379059A4B68309D8A2F74221587EC79>.
[*] : <CN=Telekom-Control-Kommission Top 1, O=Telekom-Control-Kommission, C=AT> Sha1 thumbprint: <E70715F6F728365B5190E271DEE4C65EBEEACAF3>.
[*] : <CN=WellsSecure Public Root Certificate Authority, OU=Wells Fargo Bank NA, O=Wells Fargo WellsSecure, C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <E7B4F69D61EC9069DB7E90A7401A3CF47D4FE8EE>.
[*] : <O=CFCA GT CA, C=CN> Sha1 thumbprint: <EABDA240440ABBD694930A01D09764C6C2D77966>.
[*] : <E=ca@digsigtrust.com, CN=DST (UPS) RootCA, OU=United Parcel Service, O=Digital Signature Trust Co., L=Salt Lake City, S=Utah, C=us> Sha1 thumbprint: <EC0C3716EA9EDFADD35DFBD55608E60A05D3CBF3>.
[*] : <CN=NetLock Platina (Class Platinum) Fotanúsítvány, OU=Tanúsítványkiadók (Certification Services), O=NetLock Kft., L=Budapest, C=HU> Sha1 thumbprint: <EC93DE083C93D933A986B3D5CDE25ACB2FEECF8E>.
[*] : <OU=Trustis EVS Root CA, O=Trustis Limited, C=GB> Sha1 thumbprint: <ED8DC8386C4886AEEE079158AAC3BFE658E394B4>.
[*] : <E=pkiadmin@trustcentre.co.za, CN=SAPO Class 2 Root CA, OU=SAPO Trust Centre, O=South African Post Office Limited, L=Somerset West, S=Western Cape, C=ZA> Sha1 thumbprint: <EDB3CB5FB419A185066267E5791554E1E28B6399>.
[*] : <CN=Public Notary Root, OU=http://www.chambersign.org, O=AC Camerfirma SA CIF A82743287, C=EU> Sha1 thumbprint: <EE29D6EA98E632C6E527E0906F0280688BDF44DC>.
[*] : <CN=COMODO Certification Authority, O=COMODO CA Limited, L=Salford, S=Greater Manchester, C=GB> Sha1 thumbprint: <EE869387FFFD8349AB5AD14322588789A457B012>.
[*] : <CN=Digidentity L3 Root CA - G2, O=Digidentity B.V., C=NL> Sha1 thumbprint: <F138A330A4EA986BEB520BB11035876EFB9D7F1C>.
[*] : <O=TÜRKTRUST Bilgi Iletisim ve Bilisim Güvenligi Hizmetleri A.S. (c) Aralik 2007, L=Ankara, C=TR, CN=TÜRKTRUST Elektronik Sertifika Hizmet Saglayicisi> Sha1 thumbprint: <F17F6FB631DC99E3A3C87FFE1CF1811088D96033>.
[*] : <CN=thawte Primary Root CA - G3, OU="(c) 2008 thawte, Inc. - For authorized use only", OU=Certification Services Division, O="thawte, Inc.", C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <F18B538D1BE903B6A6F056435B171589CAF36BF2>.
[*] : <CN=Actalis Authentication Root CA, O=Actalis S.p.A./03358520967, L=Milan, C=IT> Sha1 thumbprint: <F373B387065A28848AF2F34ACE192BDDC78E9CAC>.
[*] : <CN=Class 3TS Primary CA, O=Certplus, C=FR> Sha1 thumbprint: <F44095C238AC73FC4F77BF8F98DF70F8F091BC52>.
[*] : <O=Government Root Certification Authority, C=TW> Sha1 thumbprint: <F48B11BFDEABBE94542071E641DE6BBE882B40B9>.
[*] : <CN=CertRSA01, OU=ROOTCA, O=KISA, C=KR> Sha1 thumbprint: <F5C27CF5FFF3029ACF1A1A4BEC7EE1964C77D784>.
[*] : <CN=AffirmTrust Commercial, O=AffirmTrust, C=US> Sha1 thumbprint: <F9B5B632455F9CBEEC575F80DCE96E2CC7B278B7>.
[*] : <C=IL, O=ComSign, CN=ComSign Secured CA> Sha1 thumbprint: <F9CD0E2CDA7624C18FBDF0F0ABB645B8F7FED57A>.
[*] : <CN=Correo Uruguayo - Root CA, OU=SERVICIOS ELECTRONICOS, O=ADMINISTRACION NACIONAL DE CORREOS, C=UY> Sha1 thumbprint: <F9DD19266B2043F1FE4B3DCB0190AFF11F31A69D>.
[*] : <CN=Certeurope Root CA 2, OU=0002 434202180, O=Certeurope, C=FR> Sha1 thumbprint: <FA0882595F9CA6A11ECCBEAF65C764C0CCC311D0>.
[*] : <CN=VRK Gov. Root CA, OU=Varmennepalvelut, OU=Certification Authority Services, O=Vaestorekisterikeskus CA, S=Finland, C=FI> Sha1 thumbprint: <FAA7D9FB31B746F200A85E65797613D816E063B5>.
[*] : <E=scr@registradores.org, STREET=Principe de Vergara 72 28006 Madrid, CN=Certificado de la Clave Principal, OU=Certificado Raiz, OU=Certificado Propio, O=Servicio de Certificacion del Colegio de Registradores (SCR), C=es> Sha1 thumbprint: <FAAA27B8CAF5FDF5CDA98AC3378572E04CE8F2E0>.
[*] : <OU=certSIGN ROOT CA, O=certSIGN, C=RO> Sha1 thumbprint: <FAB7EE36972662FB2DB02AF6BF03FDE87C4B2F9B>.
[*] : <CN=D-TRUST Root Class 3 CA 2007, O=D-Trust GmbH, C=DE> Sha1 thumbprint: <FD1ED1E2021B0B9F73E8EB75CE23436BBCC746EB>.
[*] : <OU=Security Communication EV RootCA1, O="SECOM Trust Systems CO.,LTD.", C=JP> Sha1 thumbprint: <FEB8C432DCF9769ACEAE3DD8908FFD288665647D>.
Some threads suggest they came in to some systems by accident. I am not running Server 2007R2, but am running Windows 7 x64 SP1, the same basic build.
Are these certificates OK or . . .
kb2464556 suggest one method:
Method 1: Remove some trusted root certificates
kb931125 -
Necessary and trusted root certificates
The following certificates are necessary and trusted in Windows 7, in Windows Vista, in Windows Server 2008 R2, and in Windows Server 2008:
Read More:
Expand this table[TABLE="class: table, width: 760"]
[TD]Issued to
[TD]Issued by
[TD]Serial number
[TD]Expiration date
[TD]Intended purposes
[TD]Friendly name
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Authority
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Time Stamping
[TD]Thawte Timestamping CA
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
[TD]Microsoft Root Certificate Authority
Is there anything to do here or are they OK?
Any idea why I got them but most others I checked with did not?